【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】Vastly increase your virtuous karma created previously (II) 先造善业增长广大II
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- Vastly increase your virtuous karma created previously (II)
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34A 25’41”Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P50 LL5
【You also vastly increase your previously accumulated causes of happy rebirths since they are imbued with this spirit. Furthermore, because you are motivated by this spirit, the causes that you create anew will be inexhaustible. 】
Here, we may ask why is it multiplying to this huge extent after becoming imbued with the aspiration? The generation of our karmic deeds must involve three aspects. That is to say, the formation of this karmic quality involves three aspects. The first one is I, the one who generates it. That is, with what kind of intention and action? The other is the recipient of my karmic deed. When doing anything, it has to be this way, say, “I give you $300.” “I” am the giver, “giving $300” to “you.” [v.2 p.95 three spheres] Or, “I hit you.” The former is a virtuous deed; the latter is a non-virtuous one. The completion of these three spheres is the karma, which is the sum of each of these aspects. Within these, the two external factors are fixed – “money” is fixed at $300, and the “you” is the recipient. If the recipient is a human being, then hitting this person creates the transgression. If the recipient is a dog, then the effect of hitting is weaker. If the recipient is a Bodhisattva, then the consequence is incredibly serious! Regardless of your external factors, although the adjustment is done within your mind, the impact from the fixed objective condition is still there. What is most important is the aspiration of “my” mind can make tremendous difference.
34A 25’41”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P50 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134
日常师父法语📡34A 25’41”手抄稿第5册P50 LL5
道次引导 : 先造善业增长广大II