【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】examine your mind 观自相续
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- examine your mind
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34B 00’35”Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P53 L5
The next two statements, let’s have a look.
【The hollowness of this claim is very clear once you examine your mind. 】
As long as we turn inward to examine our mind-streams, it becomes very clear, very explicit. However, what does the text point out to us here? One thing it points out is that we didn’t understand it before, so the ignorant arrogance gradually reduces and we notice, “Ah, so I did not know about it, I lack this awareness.” Moreover, from now on I should earnestly plant the cause to not make the same mistake again – now the proper cause is planted. Hence, don’t be upset with yourself when you hear this statement and sound the drum of retreat. Actually, [one] should just do the opposite. Upon hearing this, one should recognize and understand this point, and actually knowing how to work at it from here on. This is one approach.
34B 00’35”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P53 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134
日常师父法语📡34B 00’35”手抄稿第5册P53 L5
道次引导 : 观自相续