【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】first meditate on the laudable benefits of the aspiration I 先修发心胜利I
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- first meditate on the laudable benefits of the aspiration I
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34A 10’42”Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P43 L3
【The supreme texts that teach the stages of the bodhisattva path, Santideva’s Compendium of Trainings and Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds, speak of how to develop it. They state that you first need to meditate on its benefits. Then you intensify your delight in these benefits from the depths of your heart. This must be accompanied with practicing the seven branches of worship along with the practice of refuge.】
To generate such spirit of enlightenment, there is a required prerequisite, and what is it? It is to meditate on the laudable benefits of the aspiration. Why is it required? I will briefly go over it here. We now often talk about Bodhicitta as well as Bodhisattva deeds, and what wonderful deeds Buddha did at the causal stage, we also praise, admire, and venerate those deeds. However, when it comes to our turn, what happens? “Alas, this is too difficult! This is too great a task; I can’t accomplish it!” Even if you think about engaging in it, when you come across a situation where you have to put in a little more effort, you are totally clueless, don’t know what to do. Why? It is because these Bodhisattva deeds based on the supreme spirit of enlightenment are very arduous, too hard to carry out. If there is no specific benefit, who would want to engage in such difficult and arduous tasks? So it is very explicit and clear that no one is an exception: why would you want to be bothered if there isn’t any benefit in the end?
34A 10’42”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P43 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134
日常师父法语📡34A 10’42”手抄稿第5册P43 L3
道次引导 : 先修发心胜利I
这个要想发那个菩提心,它必须还要先修一样东西,修什么?修发心的殊胜利益。它为什么要修这个东西呢?这里简单地说一下。我们现在常常谈菩提心,说菩萨行,然后说佛因地当中,做那些了不起的事情,我们也赞叹、佩服、景仰,但是轮到我们怎么办?“喔唷,这个好难呀!这个了不起,教我可是做不来啊!”就算你想做了,直正碰到你要去做一点点的话,你就一点办法都没有了,一点办法都没有,为什么?因为这个菩萨行,说这个大菩提心是难极、难极了,是非常难行的一种行为,如果说它没有特别的好处的,谁愿意去做这种难、非常艰难的事情?所以很清楚、很明白,没有一个人例外的,辛苦了半天一点好处都没有,你去做它干什么? .