【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】not descending into miserable realms 不堕恶趣
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- not descending into miserable realms
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34A 23’32”Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P49 LL5
【That is, once you have developed this spirit of enlightenment, you clear away many previously accumulated causes for miserable rebirths, and you end the continuous accumulation of them in the future.】
Well, here the text points out the essential outline. Aren’t you seeking this benefit? Is it provisional or final benefit? Within the provisional [high status or temporary], the first benefit is not descending to a miserable rebirth, which is the fundamental aspect. And then, you aspire to be reborn into happy realms. He [Master Tsong-Kha-Pa] then said that, once you generate this aspiration, what will be advantage be? Your past negative causes can be purified and can be cleansed. In the future, you will continue to eradicate them as they arise in your mind-stream. What are the reasons for our downfall? Because of our negative deeds in the past, before they come to fruition, the effect is still waiting there. When one continues to engage in new negative deeds, thus we will fall [to miserable realms]! Hence, we need to confess and repent when we truly learn and cultivate according to the Dharma. Now, once you have generated this supreme spirit of enlightenment, all the previous negative causes can be quickly purified. This power is tremendously great. Since the negativity can be purified, of course, you will not have downfall.
34A 23’32”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P49 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134
日常师父法语📡34A 23’32”手抄稿第5册P49 LL5
道次引导 : 不堕恶趣