【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】Persons of special small capacity 殊胜下士
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- Persons of special small capacity
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33A 11’51” Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P9 L1
【because persons of special small capacity do not work very much on behalf of this lifetime, but they diligently strive for the excellent high states of human or divine rebirth in future lifetimes by engaging in the cultivation of their causes. 】
“Special small capacity” is truly important for us here. What is genuine special small capacity? Actually, this is also what this section is trying to teach us. If you do not understand this special small capacity, the aforementioned small scope becomes the plight of three lifetimes. You sacrifice great things for a small advantage. For the special small scope, attainment is stepwise. This special small scope does not emphasize the present life, but what are these practitioners seeking? They are seeking “excellent high states in future lifetimes.” Because one seeks excellence in future rebirths, so what kind of cause does one’s current engagement accumulate? All the causes are directed toward a fortunate rebirth. Because one wants to plant benefits for future rebirths, so one practice. By engaging in many virtuous deeds, one’s rebirth will be favorable in the future.
33A 11’51” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P9 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P130
日常师父法语📡33A 11’51”手抄稿第5册P9 L1
道次引导 : 殊胜下士