【 The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】Head of the family 一家之主
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS 】- Head of the family
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33A 04’16” Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P5 L3
For instance, usually, in a family, we often say there is a “head of the family.” This head of the family can be either the father or the mother. The head of the family has two types of conditions: one is that he or she provides the material support of the family as well as spiritual support. This is the head of the family. If he or she can perfect these two [material and spiritual support], naturally he or she is the head of the family. So what is this situation? Well! The father works to earn a salary; he takes care of the family with the income. And then, he devotes his entire attention on the family, either through material or spiritual support. By doing so, naturally, everyone in the family relies on him. Oh! Because the father is working for our sake, when he comes home, you see that father looks after you. When we see father returns home, we are very happy. He looks after you both materially and spiritually. The same goes for the wife, well, her husband works so hard out there and then comes home to comfort his wife. Well, when she sees her husband, she is pleased! This is one situation. On the contrary, if this husband makes money and squanders it on himself and has fun all by himself, then comes home to yell about this or that, and beats his wife and scolds his son. When they see him coming home – oh, today this king of hell is home, hurry up and hide far away. I believe we all can easily relate to this! Why mention this story? It tells us that, if you truly can be mindful of others, eventually for the sake of genuinely helping others, all those who have received benefits from you will wholeheartedly support you, isn’t this right?
33A 04’16” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P5 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P130
日常师父法语📡33A 04’16”手抄稿第5册P5 L3
道次引导 : 一家之主
通常一个家庭里边我们常说“一家之主”,这个一家之主,或者是父亲也好,或者是母亲也好。他做一家之主有两种状态:有一种呢,他是物质上头的支柱依靠,还要精神上的依靠,这个是一家之主。 他这两点做能够做圆满了,他自然而然是最圆满的一家之主。那么这个是什么状态呢?喔!他去外面赚钱,赚了钱以后,他就拿得来养家。然后呢,他精神全部招呼那个家人,所以不管是物质上面、精神上面,他都这样做,这样做的结果,所有家里的人都是以他为主,自然地。喔!这个因为爸爸在外面赚钱是为了我们,然后他回来的时候,你一看见爸爸他处处地方招呼你,看见是爸爸回来了就欢喜;物质上面他也为你,精神上面也为你。做为太太的人也是这样,哎呀,她自己先生在外面这么辛苦,然后呢,回来的时候还处处地方安慰这个太太,哎呀,看见就欢喜!这是一种状态。反过来,假如这个先生外面赚了钱,自己在乱花,一个人自己这样享受,然后回去时候呵斥这个,呵斥那个,又要打太太,又要骂儿子。一回去大家看见—喔,今天这个阎罗王回来了,赶快躲得远远的。我想我们大家都可以容易体会到这一点吧! 为什么要说这个故事啊?就是说,假定你真的能够为别人,结果为别人的结果,所有那个受你恩惠的人,他全部的精神都倾向于你,对不对?