【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】eliminate the two misdeeds 断除二种罪
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- eliminate the two misdeeds
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33B 23’12” Vol 5 of Lamrim Commentary P30 L5
【Once you have seen the suffering of cyclic existence,
You cultivate the true path to abandon it, And you eliminate the two misdeeds; These are the deeds that give rise to peace.】
Furthermore, although you obtain the rebirth in a fortunate realm, yet it is still not thorough – fortunate realms are still within cyclic existence. So, one step further, to analyze it more: that the miserable realms are dreadful, but fortunate realms are still amid in cyclic existence. Suffering remains. Well, that is not going to work! One has to abandon it – for the sake of completely escaping cyclic existence, then it requires one to meditate on the corresponding “path to cessation,” the unmistaken true path. Moreover, one needs to “eliminate” the two kinds of misdeeds – deeds wrong by nature and deeds wrong by prohibition. Of course, there are different discerning guidelines, in other words, this covers all conditions. These are the “deeds that give rise to peace”, which leads to liberation from the cyclic existence, to transcend rebirth, and this is the medium capacity.
33B 23’12” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P30 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P132
日常师父法语📡手抄稿第5册P30 L5
道次引导 : 断除二种罪