【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】It is said that you will even remove karma that you are bound to experience 虽顺定受,亦说能净
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- It is said that you will even remove karma that you are bound to experience
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64A 05’33” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P257 LL1
【The statement in both sutra and texts on discipline that "karma does not perish even in one hundred eons" is made with regard to the karma for which you have not cultivated a remedy with the four powers.】
Hence when the scriptures say that karma does not perish, that means you have not applied the remedies for them.
【However, if you purify yourself with a remedy having the aforementioned four powers, it is said that you will even remove karma that you are bound to experience.】
If you can purify in accordance to the teachings then [this holds true] even for karma whose result you will definitely experience. In general, karma whose effects you will definitely experience is the weightiest karma. Remember from the earlier section, what is the order that karma ripens in the cyclic existence? It follows from the weightiest, to ones that are near [death], to what has been habituated and then to what was done the earliest. These are the four in the order of sequence, right? The weightiest karma will ripen first. Hence you will definitely experience its effect. What you will have to experience in your next lifetime is the weightiest. If there is no weightiest karma, then at the moment of death, whatever karma appears first will be one that is near. If those are not present, then it will be whatever you have habituated more. Lastly, it will be whatever you have done the earliest. So in other words, “karma whose result you will definitely experience” is a karma that is the weightiest. Now that even the weightiest ones can be removed, needless to say others?
64A 05’33” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P257 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P254
日常师父法语📡64A 05’33”手抄稿第8册P257 LL1
业果 : 虽顺定受,亦说能净