【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Yearning of Attachment vs Yearning for Virtue 贪欲VS善法欲
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Yearning of Attachment vs Yearning for Virtue
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64A 24’58” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P267 L2
Why did you have a yearning of attachment? You were ignorant, you didn't know and you discerned in delusion. Why do you have this yearning for virtue now? You have the correct view. Between what is right and what is evil, they are like darkness and light. They are exactly the opposite! They are completely the opposites. Because of this ignorance, this ignorance spawned your actions. What is this action? It's a force! Similarly, now that you have light, have wisdom, so this also creates a force. This force counters the one [said earlier], it completely counters that.
Hence at this time, when you cultivate the remedies, why do you need to have all four powers? When you have created the karma before, you have created it that way. So when you cultivate the remedies now, you have also taken into consideration of all aspects. The method has been taken into consideration, the attribute (quality) is correct, and the power, the measurement (quantity) is fulfilled. As long as you've done it all correctly, you will thoroughly remove everything. Not a single bit will be left. Are you clear?
64A 24’58” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P267 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P255
日常师父法语📡64A 24’58” 手抄稿第8册P267 L2
业果 : 贪欲VS善法欲