【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】anger and the production of wrong views weaken the ability of roots of virtue to give effects 由生邪见瞋恚,摧坏善根
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- anger and the production of wrong views weaken the ability of roots of virtue to give effects
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64B 13’32” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P278 L5
Over here, it is said that if you have done misdeeds, then, through confession you can clear them away. Even after encountering nonvirtuous conditions, the nonvirtuous karma will not bear fruit. The reverse of it is that even if you have roots of virtue, if you embrace wrong views or malice, then they will have weakened the roots of virtue. By then, when the roots of virtue encounter virtuous conditions, they will not be able to manifest the virtuous effects. Regardless of nonvirtues or virtues, they are the subjective aspects of the mind. If this mind veers toward this side, it carries these subjective aspects. If the mind veers toward the other side, it still carries the similar subjective aspects. To veer toward the other side is to be dark. But if you have confessed, then this dark nonvirutous effect will not take place. The opposite of that is to veer toward virtue. However, if through your wrong views and malice you have weakened [the virtuous karma], you will not be able to produce virtuous effects. So now, for the positive and the negative sides, we know them all. Thus, with the misdeeds, we need to do what we can to eliminate them. For what is good, we should restrain as much as we can and increase them.
64B 13’32” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P278 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P255
日常师父法语📡64B 13’32”手抄稿第8册P278 L5
业果 : 由生邪见瞋恚,摧坏善根