【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】strive not to be tarnished by faults from the start 励力令初无犯
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- strive not to be tarnished by faults from the start
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65A 14’03” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P110 LL2
【"Therefore, complete purification means to completely purify yourself of the arising of unpleasant effects.】
There, this explains that "complete purification" means what? That is for the sinful karma that will produce the unpleasant effects, it is completely purified.
【However, since you greatly extend the time needed to attain such things as knowledge of the path, strive not to be tarnished by faults from the start. (202)】
Hence we should not be tarnished by faults from the very beginning. Speaking of this, why should we feel toward the smallest ethical discipline, why should even the smallest ethical discipline be treated as the great ethical discipline to be maintained? It is that it will absolutely bring us the benefits, will absolutely bring us the benefits!
【The Buddha said that for this reason noble beings do not consciously engage in even the subtlest of sins or infractions, even for the sake of their own lives. If it was the case that purity through confession was similar to faults that have never taken place, then there would be no need to act in this way. This is also evident in the world. Although an injured hand, foot, and so on may heal, they are different from the ones that have never had an injury.】
This is how the true noble beings are. Don't we want to learn to become like the Buddha? Yes! So we must strive to learn. I need to explain some more of this point. This is not asking us to immediately accomplish it. But on the causal ground, we must plant this seed. If you plant this seed, you will very easily accomplish this in the future. So we should often think like this, "Ah-ya, I am an ordinary being! Even the noble beings act this way, how can I act otherwise? I must strive!" If you continue to think like this, though you cannot accomplish things now, you won't stray too far. If you make efforts at it, gradually, gradually, the obscurations will be eliminated. One day, you will easily accomplish it.
65A 14’03” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P110 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P257
日常师父法语📡65A 14’03”手抄稿第9册P110 LL2
业果 : 励力令初无犯