【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Dependent-arising is subtle, great pretension is inappropriate 缘起微细,心莫宽大
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Dependent-arising is subtle, great pretension is inappropriate
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62B 11’26” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P205 L6
【Geshe Drom-don-ba said, "O followers of the Elder, great pretension is inappropriate; this dependent-arising is subtle. 】
“O followers of the Elder,” this is how we would now say, ah, “Bodhisattva.” This is frequently a more respectful way of addressing someone. Commonly expressed as, “Bodhisattva, you should not have such great pretension!” If we phrase it in another way, then we will understand this. We should not be so nonchalant. We may feel that we understand and become careless-such is our state of mind. We must be very conscientious. We must be able to reach certainty of a correct understanding [of the karma principles]. And we need to incisively reflect and analyze until reaching a conviction. That is when you will not let your mind become lazy. What is laziness like? That is the great pretension mentioned above. Great pretension, eh, it is when you think it is ordinary, you don't know what to say, you feel that you are doing quite well. This is what it is. You should know that the principle of dependent arising is very subtle. Even though we have talked about it today and you may have a rough understanding, you still do not have any idea what its subtleties are!
62B 11’26” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P205 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P251
日常师父法语📡62B 11’26”手抄稿第8册P205 L6
业果 : 缘起微细,心莫宽大