【Mind Intent on Liberation 希求解脱】don't dare to be even just slightly careless 不敢马虎
【Mind Intent on Liberation】- don't dare to be even just slightly careless
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67A 25’05” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P84 L7
【If you strive to reject sin and to cultivate virtue through the
standard practice of going for refuge and through reflection
upon virtuous and non virtuous karma and the certainty of
their results, you will achieve a happy rebirth.】
Through this cause, that is why you have taken refuge. Through this refuge, you at last understood the correct root of Buddhism. You will practice according to the teachings to cultivate virtue and to reject sins. Hence you will obtain a happy rebirth.
【However, do not be satisfied with this alone: 】
But do not be satisfied with just this. Let me explain this. Let me explain this. Do we really get this now? I am sorry, it's difficult to say. For me, I know that I don't have this down yet. That is why I don't dare to be even just slightly careless.
67A 25’05” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P84 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P266
日常师父法语📡67A 25’05”手抄稿第9册P84 L7
希求解脱 : 不敢马虎