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【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】The fault of repeated rebirth - 1 数数结生过患 1

【The Six Types OF Suffering】- The fault of repeated rebirth - 1

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71A 17’07” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P222 L7 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

(iv) The fault of repeated rebirth
The Friendly Letter:490
If you looked for the limit of mothers by counting
with earthen pellets. The size of juniper berries,
the earth would not suffice.

This means you had gone through rebirth repeatedly and you had casted off your bodies while whirling in this cyclic existence. And what happened after you casted off your bodies? You were reborn again, meaning whirling in this cyclic existence. So say we take all the clay from earth and form them into pellets, each pellet being the size of a juniper berry, and we would use it to count the mothers, our mothers. We will not be able to find the limit of our mothers.

Earlier scholars took this to mean that each pellet represents a living being who has been your mother, but this is incorrect.

When we look at this in general, we would think: Since we kept going through rebirth, therefore, in every rebirth we had a mother. So if you try to find [how many] mothers [there were], there is no limit. But Lama [Tsong Kha Pa] said: no! This is not what it means.


71A 17’07” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P222 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P284

日常师父法语📡71A 17’07”手抄稿第9册P222 L7

希求解脱 : 数数结生过患 1



