【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Can’t find the initial cause, and unable able to repay it 1 最初因找不到、还不尽 1
【The Six Types OF Suffering】- Can’t find the initial cause, and unable able to repay it 1
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71A 20’38” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P224 L11
【You cannot see the initial cause
Of even a single effect;
Seeing how vast the causes of even
one effect are, Who would not be
It says that for any single effect, meaning any one of our lifetimes, this says that for us now - "I" exist. So then for this single effect, you want to find its causes, to find its causes, the "initial cause," what is the initial cause? You can't find it. You can't find it for any single effect! Ah! Hence there are limitless causes and conditions! You have to think about it, since everything depends on causes and conditions, in order to produce the right effect, you will have to begin from the causes. But for a very simple issue, you can't even find the initial cause. You can then imagine how complex this issue is. If it is that complicated, how horrible it is. Then you have found a more frightening reason. Do you understand? So, let’s just say, ah, we're just doing something really minor. It doesn't matter if you did it due to attachment or hostility. You might think that you are just taking a bite of the food. But for that mouthful of food, you can't find its initial cause. If you have to repay for that mouthful of food in the future, you will not be able to repay it even if you want to. That’s what it means. And then no matter what you do, the root cause is right here. It is because you cannot find the initial cause, and unable to repay it fully, therefore, you will forever go through rebirth in this place, you forever have to resolve these problems. The real problem is right here. So, anything that we do, we must instantly urge ourselves to be alert. Do you understand this?
71A 20’38” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P224 L11
English Lamrim Vol 1 P285
日常师父法语📡71A 20’38” 手抄稿第9册P224 L11
希求解脱 : 最初因找不到、还不尽 1