【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱】These aggregates are a collection of causes for suffering 此蕴即是众苦因缘
【Further Meditation on Suffering】- These aggregates are a collection of causes for suffering
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71B 26’11” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P246 L4
【In the case of painful feelings, hostility ceases when you consider that since these aggregates [of body and mind] are a collection of causes for suffering, painful feelings arise from them just as physical affliction does. 】
So then in the case of painful feelings, we should know: Ah! The aggregates themselves are a collection of causes for suffering. Why is it specifically stated here? The real principal motivating force is the truth of suffering. Therefore, from the truth of suffering, we should consider this: our bodies from the start, this whole thing, are a collection of causes for suffering. This is why we would often say, "The flaming five aggregates, the flaming five aggregates." After talking about this for so long, after discussing the principles at length, you have not even grasped the fundamentals. The root to the flaming five aggregates, if you recognize this right here, that as long as you have these things, as long as your thoughts exist, as long as your body exists, I am sorry, you are forever in cyclic existence. You will forever be in misery. Therefore, you will develop what [sort of thoughts in your mind]? You will say, "Even if my head is on fire, I can wait just a moment. But I must quickly destroy the blazing flames of impermanence at once." When you reach this understanding, you would be able to let go of anything. Ah! You can ignore all other things and instead quickly pursue this to solve the problem!
71B 26’11” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P246 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P290
日常师父法语📡71B 26’11” 手抄稿第9册P246 L4
希求解脱 : 此蕴即是众苦因缘