【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱】Asura 阿修罗
【Further Meditation on Suffering】- Asura
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【The Mindfulness of the Excellent Teaching states that they are animals, but the Levels of Yogic Deeds places them in the realm of the deities.】
There is a sutra which states that they are animals. The reason it is classified as the animal realm-for their foolishness. But the Levels of Yogic Deeds says that they are in the realm of the deities. Since some people will categorize this realm as part of the deities, this will result in a total of five realms. Some people feel that this realm should be a separate one, so this will result in a total of six realms. This type of people appears in the human realm as well. Actually, this type of people are those who cultivate merits in the human realm. They would accumulate lots of merits, but still have hostility. There are times when they would give, I have seen this myself, when others make a donation, upon seeing this donation, "What is so great about that. If he can donate a thousand, I can donate ten thousand!" Just like that. If someone else builds a big temple, builds something great-[then this type of person would say,] "I can build a bigger one than him!" I am sorry, after you've built it, if you have not created a great non virtuous karma, then you will perhaps go to the realm of the asuras. If you have created a great non virtuous karma, there's no need to talk about it. Therefore this is something that we must pay attention to! This is the case even if you have created meritorious karma! As long as your intention was not pure, then you will suffer in misery when the time comes.
72B 02’34” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P271 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P293
日常师父法语📡72B 02’34” 手抄稿第9册P271 L1
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