BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Clean the Altar; Revere Jade Buddha

How many chances in a lifetime will you get to join in ceremonial ablutions of the altar in person?

We have invited a Jade Buddha to BW Monastery~

Rejoice with us on the 19th! Come and cleanse the altar with blessed waters~

Purify the Altar

Date: 19 April (Friday)

Time: 2pm - 3pm

Venue: BW Monastery

Sacred Enshrinement of Jade Buddha

Date: 20 April (Saturday)

Time: 9.30am - 11am

Venue: BW Monastery

Don't miss this rare opportunity to gain vast merits together!

#吉祥寺 #20-04-05

#庆幸这世 #亲手洗佛台 • #安奉玉佛 #礼供

#祈愿 #世世 #三宝 #常伴 #摄护


#Grateful #this #lifetime #purify #altar #personally #sacred #enshrinement #Jade #Buddha #offering

#Pray #always #Triplegems #accompany #bless