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[线上法会] 大悲忏, 佛前大供法会

  • 吉祥宝聚寺 大殿 连线直播 (map)


拜忏有着不可思议的功德,不仅可以消除众生无始以来的习气、业障、病障外,更可得三宝加持,得清净解脫之心。而为已故六亲眷属、冤亲债主拜忏,也是有着不可思议的功德。 若能在拜忏时以殊胜供品供养诸佛菩萨,其功德更是难以计量。欢迎踊跃订购供品,一起礼拜《大悲忏》。

值此2019 冠状病毒疫情令人堪忧之际,将改为线上法会

Due to the concern for COVID-19 outbreak, the puja scheduled on 1st March 2020 will now take place online

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-18 at 13.21.06.jpeg

Great Compassion Repentance Puja

Since beginningless time, we, sentient beings, have either consciously or unconsciously, committed countless wrongdoings through our three karmic actions of body, speech and mind. It is merely that we have not detected them at all. When our minds are defiled, we need to rely on the pure nectar of Dharma to purify our minds. When our minds are purified, our lives become more meaningful.

It is stated in the Great Compassion Repentance:

“Therefore, from this day, I have come to believe deeply in cause and effect. I feel deep shame and regret, thus developed great fear, and I now repent

4 April

[线上法会] 2020 清明启建梁皇宝忏冥阳两利大法会 (卷九)

5 April

【Cancelled】Joyfeast Free Vegetarian Meal 免费悦食大会