【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】The most solid foundation: - the monk's vows (3) 最稳固的基础-比丘学处-3
【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity】- The most solid foundation: - the monk's vows (3)
So he says,
Next part is the correct and proper statement that we should observe.
【Reply: Understand these claims to be great nonsense from persons who do not understand the key points of the teaching. 】
He misconstrued this and did not understand the real intended meaning of the Buddha. So, what is the real intended meaning?
【Rather, strive to maintain the fundamental trainings completely, gradually assuming the higher vows while using the lower ones as supports.】
Oh, this says that we should make the most fundamental vows as our foundation and that the real purpose is the ultimate perfection. Hence for this ultimate and unexcelled perfection, we must [first] build the sturdiest foundation, beginning from the very bottom. Under this circumstance, one must conscientiously safeguard and maintain this foundation. This fundamental training would be the precepts of the monks. Of all three realms, only this is most auspicious, only this is auspicious. This is what we should understand.
66A 12’50” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P43 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P263
日常师父法语📡66A 12’50” 手抄稿第9册P43 L7
业果 : 最稳固的基础-比丘学处-3
哦,说拿我们最基本的这个律仪,作为我们的基础,然后呢我们真正要达到的目的是最究竟圆满的。所以我们为了这个最究竟无上圆满的,所以要建最稳固的基础,从最下面 建立起来。所以这个情况之下,要这么认真保护、维持这一个基础,这个基础就是我们的比丘的学处。这个在三界当中,只有这个最殊胜,只有这个殊胜,这是我们要了解的。