【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 Merits can transform to lifespan and vice versa - 2 福寿可互换 2

【The Origin of Suffering】- Merits can transform to lifespan and vice versa - 2

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
75A 27’56” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P86 L8
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You should read this carefully. The scriptures have explained this in many places. Merits can transform into years of life. The reverse [can happen as well], years of life can be changed into merit. It's like that. Therefore, if you enjoy yourself too much, your lifespan will be reduced. Their lifespan will be reduced. I have read a story like this before, but it was long, long ago, so I have forgotten it now. There was once a wealthy household that had a son. Because the family was very well off, so they invited many guests for a banquet a month after his birth. This was in the ancient times. Oh! It was a huge guest list that resulted in many lives killed. When the child was first born, the diviner said that he would have such a fortunate life. But he died at the age of 2½ . Ah! The parents were very resentful of the diviner. He is usually very accurate; how could he be wrong? No one knew the answer for this. They finally met up with a renunciate, a monk. This monk had high attainments. He told them, "I am sorry. Too much merit was exhausted. He died because his merit was exhausted."


75A 27’56” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P86 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P307

日常师父法语📡75A 27’56”手抄稿第10册P86 L8

希求解脱 : 福寿可互换 2



【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Cultivate good fortune 培福


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Merit can transform to lifespan and vice versa - 1 福寿可互换 1