【Mind Intent on Liberation 希求解脱】 Efforts paid become your merits 付出的力量就是功德

【Mind Intent on Liberation】- Efforts paid become your merits

Actually, we can find all sorts of [examples], no need to mention Buddhism, but that this is the case in the mundane world, the case in the mundane world. If you already have this [attitude] - I am going to bite my teeth down [to do it]. You need to have this sort of attitude that you want to succeed. That's when you are mentally ready. When obstacles come, you will know very clearly that, "Yes! I do want to progress. To progress, I will have to pay a lot of effort, pay a lot of effort." After you've paid a lot of efforts, what you've done become your merits. That is the Dharma wealth that you've earned. This is exactly what you should be busy with! This attitude is just that simple, just like fighting a war. Otherwise, if you don't understand this, before you even fight, ah, you will feel it's arduous. You will turn your back [to the enemies]. If you are supposed to be fighting and you fight with your back, what would happen? There is only one path. Your chance of dying is 100%. That's it!


66B 23’41” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P63 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P263

日常师父法语📡66B 23’41” 手抄稿第9册P63 LL1

希求解脱 : 付出的力量就是功德



【Mind Intent on Liberation 希求解脱】The conviction for success 成功的信念


【Mind Intent on Liberation 希求解脱】Greed that has future prospects 有出息的贪