【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Causes for the intermediate state 中有之因

【The Origin of Suffering】- Causes for the intermediate state

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76A 00’06” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P107 L1
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At the time of death, whereupon discrimination will become  unclear, beings are attached to the self with which they have  long been familiar. After that, through the influence of attachment to the self, they think, "I am ceasing to exist," and they crave embodiment. This causes the intermediate state.

It tells us this, tells us this!  Nah, this continues what we talked about earlier.  The section earlier covered arising, origin (accumulation) and death.  Hence for these four things, "arising, origin, cause, and condition," within the truth of origin, the concept of how they are connected from the previous to the next has been pointed out here for the first time.  At the moment of death for a person, before discrimination becomes "unclear," that is before you become unclear, the influence of "attachment to the self" arises.  Why?  It is a beginningless habit.  And at this time, this force will rise.  One will feel, "Ah-ya, I am about to lose this!"  So at this point, one will develop a thought that fears to lose the self, it is an attachment to the self.  This is the cause for the development of the intermediate state.  In other words, this is affliction.  This is affliction. 


76A 00’06” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P107 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P308

日常师父法语📡76A 00’06”手抄稿第10册P107 L1

希求解脱 : 中有之因




【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】How do the noble beings stop themselves from accumulating projecting karma 圣人为何不集能引之业


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 those who have done non virtuous karma, will experience at the moment of death  造恶业者的临终