【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Such as a powerful person dominates a weak person 譬如强力制伏羸劣

【The Origin of Suffering】- Such as a powerful person dominates a weak person

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76A 4’23” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P109 LL4
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Attachment to the self also occurs among stream-enterers and once-returners, but as they investigate it with wisdom they reject it rather than assent to it, the way a powerful person dominates a weak person. Attachment to self does not occur among nonreturners.

Yes, this sentence that was stated earlier is being explained here! It said that why does this happen for "stream-enterers and once-returners"? They still have attachment to the self. They [indeed] have already seen that there is no "self." However, the habitual tendency of attachment to the self, this attachment to the self, and this ignorance in regard to the self still remains. These will still manifest. However, they are able to investigate it with wisdom and stop it. This is because they have seen the path. Therefore when they bring up the power from investigating with wisdom, they will be able to subdue it. This is much like "the way a powerful person dominates a weak person." This is what was said before. A powerful person may sit there normally and act like he is lazy. But once he musters his strength, oh! They can dominate you. That's it. What about the "non-returners"? The attachment to the self will no longer manifest for them. Therefore they will no longer, will no longer come back [to cyclic existence]. This is the reason. So where would the non-returners, these noble beings, go? They will ascend to the heaven of Śuddhāvāsa. This is the heaven where the noble beings live in. There is just a little latent propensity that remains. So they will go there to be rid of it. And then it will be fine, they will attain the fruition (arhatship). It's just like that.


76A 4’23” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P109 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P308

日常师父法语📡76A 4’23” 手抄稿第10册P109 LL4

希求解脱 : 譬如强力制伏羸劣


嗯,上面这句话现在这里解释了吧!说“预流、一来”为什么呀,他这个我爱,“我”已经见到了没有,但是呢这个我爱,我爱、我痴这个习性还在,它还是现行的。但 是呢,他能够以他的智慧观察制止它,就是他因为见道了,所以他如果把那个慧观的力量提起来的话,他可以让它制伏。所以“譬如强力制伏羸劣”,就是前面说这个话,这个强有力的人,他平常坐在那里还要懒懒瘫瘫,但是他一旦用起力来的话,哦!那这个他可以制伏你,这个。至于说“不还”的呢?我爱已经不现行,所以他不再、不再来了,就是这个原因。所以不还果的圣者,就是到什么呢?到五不还天,那个是圣者所住的天。还有一点点余习未尽,到那个地方把那余习弄完了,好了,证果了,就这样。


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Ethically neutral karma 无记业


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】How do the noble beings stop themselves from accumulating projecting karma 圣人为何不集能引之业