【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】No desire of its former body after death 死后对前世身不起欲乐

【The Origin of Suffering】- No desire of its former body after death

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
76B 28’12” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P137 L9
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【The Levels of Yogic Deeds says that the being of the intermediate state does not desire its former body since its consciousness does not remain there.】

He finds a formal source for us. What source is this? The Levels of Yogic Deeds. This is because for this type of great scriptures and treatises, it indeed has a perfect source. The Levels of Yogic Deeds was composed by Maitreya Bodhisattva. Therefore it is absolutely reliable. In the treatise, it states very clearly that "consciousness does not remain there" and "the being of the intermediate state does not desire its former body." What does this mean? That is, what is the reason for that new life to arise? This refers to how one dies at the last moment. You all still remember this? We talked about dying with a virtuous mind or a non virtuous mind. At that time, one's mind keeps recollecting something. When he recollects, his consciousness is imbued with the event. And this karma will lead him forward. Whatever that happened in the past will stop here, will stop here. One will not abide in the state of being of the past. Like that. And then, for the true origin, what does one accumulate? Because of afflictions and karma since beginningless time, these two entities, afflictions and karma are exactly his interests and desire.


76B 28’12” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P137 L9
English Lamrim Vol 1 P310

日常师父法语📡76B 28’12” 手抄稿第10册P137 L9

希求解脱 : 死后对前世身不起欲乐




【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】suddenly you feel that you are dead 忽然发现自己死了...


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 our own views do not possess any accurate source (lineage) 我们的知见毫无清净根据