【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】those to be reborn from heat and moisture, crave smell;  those to be reborn spontaneously, desire a place 湿生欲香,化生求舍,而受生

【The Origin of Suffering】-

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
77B 08’16” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P166 L5
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The Treasury of Knowledge says:You desire smells, places, or other things. In his commentary on this Vasubandhu explains that if the being of the intermediate state is to be reborn from heat and moisture, it craves smells, while if it is to be reborn spontaneously, it desires a place and is subsequently reborn there.

This explains how those who will be reborn from womb, egg, moisture, and spontaneous ways will take birth. The Treasury of Knowledge explains this principle. For those to be reborn from heat and moisture, they crave smells. They want to smell. For those to be reborn spontaneously, similarly, they desire place. So when they find where they want to live, they will go there. For instance, for beings in hell, as explained earlier, it is not that they desire to go to hell but that their situation is reversed by their bad karma! For example, for the beings in hot hells, how did they get there? For the beings in cold hells, how did they get there? They felt cold and were looking for warmth. Ah, that place seems to be very warm, so they go there. As soon as they get there, it turns out to be the hot hell. And for those who are going to the cold hells, the situation is exactly the opposite. It is supposed to be a place of their desire, (but) it is under these circumstances they end up at where they are. 


77B 08’16” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P166 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P313

日常师父法语📡77B 08’16”手抄稿第10册P166 L5

希求解脱 : 湿生欲香,化生求舍,而受生




【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Delight and disgust resulting in rebirth II 由欣、厌而结生 II