【The Twelve Factors of Dependent-Arising 希求解脱】Ignorance is like animosity and falsehood (1) 无明如非亲实等 I
【The Twelve Factors of Dependent-Arising】-Ignorance is like animosity and falsehood (1)
【Ignorance is like animosity and falsehood.】 (1)
This is the primary key to our cultivation in the future. We must be clear of this concept. This "ignorance" is not something we normally think of, "Ah! Only a Bodhisattva can breakthrough this ignorance, can understand it!" This is something that we as ordinary beings should understand now. What is this? It is the opposite of friendship and truth. There is also "so on." This will be explained later.
【Animosity and falsehood refer neither to the absence of friendship and truth, nor to what is different from these two, but rather to the classes of phenomena that are directly antithetical to and incompatible with friendship and truth.】
It is these few simple sentences. This is what's most important for us now, what we must understand. He said that this is "like." It is referring to "animosity and falsehood." He said "friendship." Friendship means something endearing. As for the "opposite of friendship," what is the opposite of friendship? It is opposite of endearing, it is "animosity." This refers to enemies.
77B 23’09” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P174 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P315
日常师父法语📡77B 23’09”手抄稿第10册P174 L1
希求解脱 : 无明如非亲实等 I