佛三学习营 2019 3-Day Meditation Retreat

Immediately after Abbot Jingyuan’s long journey of return to Singapore, he presided a 3-day retreat for all staff, cadre and class facilitators from 17 to 19 July.
The retreat was a tailor-make one by Abbot, which not only elevated the standards of attendees’ understanding of Buddhism, but also deepened their faith in the Triple Gem.
The retreat theme was “Let Go and Take Refuge Wholeheartedly”, and the attendees undertook 8 precepts, refuge-recitation, practiced contemplation, and walking meditation daily. The content seemed simple but it was vast and profound in fact. Abbot expounded and carefully guided all on Master Jih-Chang’s key know-hows on taking of refuge progressively to finally grasping the steps. These were done through refuge-recitation, recalling Buddha’s great qualities and merits, in order to increase and strengthen the mind, as refuge-taking is the foundation.
It was a climatic 3 days of learning, practice and small group discussions, where everyone attended with jubilance and enthusiasm.
The retreat closed with the attendees’ resplendent singing of Insightful Praises and unyielding dedication, with supplication to Manjusri Bodhisattva for insight and wisdom.