Auspicious Puja - 24 November 2019 (Every Sunday 9.30-10.45am)
Are You Proud To Be A Buddhist?
A youth from the monastery’s dharma class once shared an incident that happened during a picnic on a grass field at Marina Bay with his friends. They found countless ants crawling over their food which they had unconsciously placed on the grass. In a bid to save their food, his friends started hitting the ants and stomping on them. However, he just gently brushed off the ants from the food, trying his best not to harm them. One of his friend noticed this and commended him, saying, ”Only a Buddhist will do this to avoid killing!”
Simple acts like this bring out the characteristic of compassion taught widely in Buddhism. Upon learning of this incident could inspire one’s faith as a Buddhist, but why are there times when one may think twice about admitting to be a Buddhist?
What Deters Us From Admitting To Be A Buddhist?
The topic of the day Are You Proud To Be A Buddhist was thrown to the floor for sharing and discussion. While some didn’t stop to confidently declare to be a Buddhist, some do have their reservations.
Generally, there are some misconceptions about Buddhism is similar to Taoism, therefore some participants were not very sure what being a Buddhist meant, until they started learning the dharma.
There was a young participant who shared that she did not feel comfortable admitting to be a Buddhist as her peers were mostly from another religion. It was until she started volunteering for the monastery then she was more than happy to share with her friends about the virtuous work she had done.
Reasons I Feel Honoured And Proud To Be a Buddhist
All participants were invited to use their smartphones and share on an interactive platform the reasons for being honoured to be recognized as a Buddhist. Here’s what some of them have shared:
Being A Confident Buddhist
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientist of the last century, once said,” If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism!” With the Buddha’s teachings being in line with science, thus we have found that the teachings are suited to be used in the modern times of today, as it provides the most comprehensive solution to our problems.
Being a Buddhist entails a very bright future, because by learning and practicing the teachings, our wrongdoings can be eliminated through the methods taught by Buddha, and we can attain real happiness in this life and our future lives. And the best part is, we can help our loved ones, as well as the others, to achieve that as well.
Therefore, We Should Feel Proud To Be A Buddhist In This Modern Society!

What’s The Topic Next Sunday?
Habits are a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Have we noticed our habits that developed over time? What will be one habit that you will like to develop and grow in this age of distraction?
For the upcoming Sunday, join us at BW Monastery to find out more about the topic of the day – “What Will Be One Habit That You Will Like To Develop And Grow In This Age Of Distraction?”
Stay Connected with us!
Sunday, 1 December 2019
9:30 am - 10:45 am
BW Monastery Hall of Jewels Level 4
#auspiciouspuja #letsdiscuss #VenBensi