Auspicious Puja - 1 December 2019 (Every Sunday 9.30-10.45am)
At 9.30 am, the melody of Medicine Buddha Mantra sung by the choir resonated the entire Hall of Jewels at BW Monastery. The mantra was so smoothing and calming, it comforted everyone after a weary week!
What Will Be One Habit That You Will Like To Develop And Grow In This Age Of Distraction?
During discussion, one participant shared that nowadays people tend to lose their memory more easily as information now are more accessible, she felt that having some form of examination is good for our brain to retain knowledge learnt.
The importance of having good habits in the age of smartphone is also being shared. People have developed a habit of looking at fragmented information while scrolling their smartphone, watching short videos, chatting and so on. We have lost the ability to focus for a longer time and to listen to others patiently, because we are too distracted by the world of IT which is affecting our well being!
Therefore, the habit of not being distracted and to stay focused on what we are doing would be a good habit to cultivate in the current age!

What’s The Topic Next Sunday?
For the upcoming Sunday, join us at BW Monastery to find out more about the topic of the day – “What Do You Consider Your Most Remarkable Achievement In 2019? ”
Stay Connected with us!
Sunday, 8 December 2019
9:30 am - 10:45 am
BW Monastery Hall of Jewels Level 4