佛像开光仪式 Buddha Statue Consecration Ceremony

第一,十方一切佛成就了圆满的法ˎ化ˎ报三身,无需由我们凡夫来开光。 我们之所以办开光仪式,主要是透过这个仪式,能增加我们对佛的恭敬和虔诚心。
于2020年1月4日 9.30am - 10.30am,吉祥寺将会举办一场盛大的开光仪式,欢迎大众来共襄盛举,一起来见证具有非凡殊胜的法会!
On 15 December 2019, a consecration ceremony was held for gold Buddha statue at BW Monastery.
The purpose of holding the ceremony is such that, through it, our reverence and piousness towards the Buddha can be deepened.
Secondly, the Buddhas are in all the ten directions, be it in the form of Dharmakaya (spiritual form) or Sambhogakaya (blissful form).
Through the Buddhist consecration ceremony, with the gold Buddha statue as the nirmanakaya form (incarnation form), Buddhas are invited to be present at the ceremony, and to supplicate to them to remain in this world, and bestow their blessings upon us.
Although the statues painting are completed for Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the two sides of the monastery, Buddha statues in the museum, especially the jade Buddha, they have yet to be consecrated.
As such, on 4 January 2020 at 9.30am - 10.30 am, BW Monastery will be holding a grand consecration ceremony where everyone is welcome to attend and witness the meritorious auspicious puja!