Abbot Jing Yuan Paid A Visit to The BWM Sewing Group 净远和尚关怀缝制组
On 23/12/19, Abbot Jing Yuan paid a visit to the BWM Sewing Group. The path travelled by our Abbot is one that brings bliss and hope. Time and again, his compassionate heart to benefit all sentient beings is being revealed through the concern he has for all of us. This is similar to the qualities of our Master and Teacher. May all who sees the stunning victory banners and auspicious stones be blessed for many lives with dignified features and a compassion heart like the Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
今日和尚到 #裁缝组 关怀大家。和尚走过的足迹,总是为有情带来欢喜与希望。每每看到和尚利他之心,令弟子忆念师父和老师的行仪,是一样的。 愿所见庄严幢幡及殊胜宝石者,生生世世皆得如佛菩萨般庄严、慈悲。