[AHA! Achieving Harmonious Alliance -An Interfaith Panel Discussion]
Topic: Debunking common misconceptions on the 4 major religions in SG
This afternoon, we had many AHA! moments of “revelation” together with approximately 100 attendees, as our distinguished panel of speakers debunked common misconceptions on the 4 major religions in Singapore!
We were very honoured to have Mr Vikram Nair, MP for Sembawang GRC (Admiralty), to grace the occasion and deliver the keynote speech. The panelists, Venerable Bensi (Dharma Lecturer of BW Monastery), Pastor Ivan Ho (Pastor at Covenant EFC), Mr Ruban Varma (President of NUS Hindu Society) and Ustazah Mdm Tuty Alawiyah, displayed clarity, depth and width of understanding on their religions as they clarified the misconceptions. Many participants marvelled at how the session provided them insights about the religions that they knew little about, thus evoking deep appreciation for other faiths other than their own.

During the break-out session, participants got into groups to generate questions on the 4 religions. The warm buzz in the hall and enthusiastic expressions on their faces were proof of their high level of engagement, energy and interest in the topic. Dr William Wan, the moderator, skilfully guided and paced the discussion by picking questions that were more practical-to-life, re-structuring and directing them to the panelists in a manner that allowed us to look at the subject from several viewpoints. Most importantly, it was extremely heartening to see people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs, come together with a sincere heart to understand the religions of others and everyone displayed a respectful attitude towards accepting differences that are inherent across the religions.
All in all, it was an extremely meaningful and positive event and we are thankful to all, be it the moderator, panelists, participants or volunteers, for being part of this interfaith effort. Thank you for taking another step to making our society a more cohesive and peaceful one. As we continue to create conversations and opportunities to clarify religious misconceptions that form divisive fault lines, we strengthen our ties with each other across different races and religions.
Let’s keep more AHA! moments coming, shall we?
#debunk #misconception #religion #AHA #interfaith #peace#understanding #religiousharmony
P.S.: Everyone loved the Kachang Putih live station. Old school snacks rocks!