无尽的关怀 Endless Care
01 February 2020

11 January 2020

04 January 2020

Endless Care
Under the direction of Abbot Jingyuan, on every Saturday afternoon after the chanting of Maha Prajnaparamita Sutra, there will be prayers conducted to dedicate merits to the departed loved ones of the students and families member. The prayers are for those of the departed loved ones of the students and families member who have departed within 49 days.
This started since the end of December last year, and until 1 February 2020, a total of 5 of this prayer puja have been conducted for more than 100 of the departed.
Under the guidance of the Venerables, the Prajnaparamita Sutra and the Aspiration Prayer of Samantabhadra were solemnly recited by the family members, where merits dedicated to the deceased. Offering, repentance, rejoicing, and dedication of merits were done according to the Aspiration Prayer of Samantabhadra, before the Western Pure Land Three Sages, in the main shrine hall. Lastly, the family members were led to the third floor for a caring session and Q &A with the Venerables.
In the infinite lives, the infinite existence of becoming, birth, death, and the intermediate state, it is of great blessings to have encountered the Triple Gem and excellent teachers. As a result, we are no longer fearful, where life is full of brilliance and hope.