2020 Qingming cum Repentance Ritual of Emperor Liang Grand Puja @ Scroll 8, 9 & 10

2020 Qingming cum Repentance Ritual of Emperor Liang Grand Puja Dharma Jewel Offerings @Scroll 8
By offering dharma jewel, we create the cause to remove afflictions and never be reborn into the 3 lower realms.
Everyday is an auspicious day for you to accumulate merits and virtues! Rejoce!

2020 Qingming cum Repentance Ritual of Emperor Liang Grand Puja Gems Offerings@ Scroll 9
By offering gems, we create the cause to have good looks and to be free of greed and desire.
Everyday is an auspicious day for you to accumulate merits and virtues! Rejoce!

2020 Qingming cum Repentance Ritual of Emperor Liang Grand Puja Robe Offerings@ Scroll 10
By offering robe, we create the cause to cultivate humility and patience, and to break free from samsara.
Everyday is an auspicious day for you to accumulate merits and virtues! Rejoce!
#清明 启建 #梁皇宝忏 十卷 #法会 #圆满 #感恩 #随喜
一句句佛号皈依,一遍遍跪拜顶礼。只愿忏悔过往的罪障,累积广大功德回向受苦有情。 当荧幕出现"接引上金阶"时,我想到菩萨可以救渡地狱受苦的众生,金色台阶出现在黑暗地狱,我的眼泪就不停涌出,心里非常感动,诚心祈祷菩萨可以救拔这次灾疫中所有受苦众生,得到安乐不离佛法。 这是个非常有意义的法会,能报答佛陀,国家,父母,出家人和善知识的恩德,还能够将功德回向给所有一切众生。在苦难的境界,我们还可以依靠僧团及善友造集善业,真的非常感恩大家! 随喜无量!