Dec 09, 2023 Joyous Rhapsody: ‘Heading towards the First Light with Gratitude’ concert

On 9th December, 2023 Joyous Rhapsody: ‘Heading towards the First Light with Gratitude’ concert, was held in BW Monastery. Using Insightful Praises, we expressed gratitude and remembrance to the Three Jewels, Buddha, Bodhisattvas and our Lineage Masters. We are thankful for the teachings of the Buddha, which dispel afflictions, purify the mind, and help us transcend difficulties, as depicted in the theme song ‘The First Ray Of Dawn’. Like a glimmer of light in the darkness, it brings us hope and brightness, carrying with it a deep sense of gratitude.
A total of 544 attendees, volunteers and performers were present in the afternoon and evening sessions. On the next day, 10th December we had a different program featuring different insightful praises offering.
Venerable Dao Ci was present for the 2nd Show to provide everyone with the right mindset while attending the Insightful Praise.
Rejoice to the emcees, Joshua, Yue Min and Ronald for warming up the crowd and setting a magnificent mood for the concert.
The first group to perform was BWM Insightful Praise Class 2 who brought us the Insightful Praise: ‘The Lamp Shines‘《灯明了》
The second group to perform was Auspicious Joyous Choir Section, who offered 3 insightful praises:
1. We are Together 《我们在一起》
2. The Swaying Tree Shadows are illuminated by the Bright Moonlight 《树影婆娑明月照》
3. Follow Closely the Practice of Manjusri Bodhisattva 《跟上文殊行》
Next, we had the bilingual Lamrim class of S21G016E, led by their monitor Jasmine Chin, performing ‘You're by my side’, to remind us that we will always have the Buddha and the virtuous teachers as well as virtuous friends by our side.
The next was a special gift prepared by the Arts and Culture Dept. It was the Insightful Praise 《世间大导师》, praising the ‘Great Teacher in the World’. The lyrics are from the ‘Avatamsaka Sutra,’ also known as the ‘Flower Garland Sutra.’ This major Mahayana Buddhist scripture primarily expounds on the state and methods of attaining Buddhahood.
The verses praise the countless inconceivable virtues of the Buddha, particularly his guiding of sentient beings. It's likened to a lamp in the universe, breaking through the darkness, allowing beings to accumulate the provisions for Buddhahood through practices and offerings. It's truly remarkable that we, in this lifetime, can encounter such a great Buddha!
Then, we had the youth groups. First up was HeyDay CO who brought to us the Insightful Praise ‘Vairocana Buddha’《毗卢遮那佛》.
After that, in collaboration with the youth group, The Odds they presented the Insightful Praises:
1. Cherry Blossoms in Snow《樱花雪》
2. Under the Moonlight《月光下 》
Lastly, we had The Odds offering the Insightful Praises:
1. Through Thousands of Life 《走过千生万世》
2. Gazing into Your Eyes 《凝眸》
3. The First Ray of Dawn 《第一缕晨光》
4. Prayer to Manjushri Bodhisattva《走过千生万世》
5. Thinking of You Together《一同想着你》
2023 12月9日 吉祥悦: 《承载深恩 迎向曙光》
2023年12月9日吉祥悦: 《承载深恩 迎向曙光》 音乐会在吉祥寺聚宝堂隆重举行,用美妙赞颂音乐礼赞忆念三宝佛菩萨师长,感恩佛陀师长为我们说法,断除烦恼,净化心灵,突破跨越苦难,如主题曲“第一缕晨光”,黑暗里的一线曙光,带给我们希望与光明;承载深恩迎向曙光。
1. 我们在一起
2. 树影婆娑明月照
3. 跟上文殊行
双语S21G016E广论班,由陈秀芬班长带领与戴彩妮师姐接触,呈现《You're by my side》。
压轴的是年轻有劲的表演者:HeyDay CO 青年华乐团 和 ”The Odds“!
1. 《毗卢遮那佛》
2. 《樱花雪》
3. 《月光下 》
”The Odds“ 呈现
1. 《第一缕晨光》
2. 《凝眸》
3. 《一同想着你》
4. 《走过千生万世》
5. 《文殊菩萨祈求颂》
12月9日 下午场 , 晚上场的观众,表演者与义工人次共 544人。12月10另外两场不同赞颂的节目。