7 May 2023 Dharma Enrichment Workshop (D.E.W)
257 participants and volunteers at the DEW
On 7 May 2023, 257 fellow Lamrim students gathered at the Hall of Jewels of BW Monastery to learn how to progress towards greater and greater happiness.
Q&A with Venerable and Speakers
During the DEW, everyone learned the Buddha’s wisdom amid joyful laughter ! The DEW started off with thought provoking questions by Venerable Ben Wen such as, is there a difference to our lives, when we do virtuous deeds with a stainless aspiration vs without such an aspiration?
In addition, everyone learned from the sharing by speakers (Dawn Chen, Vincent Lim, Julie Ng), who have been practicing the Lamrim teachings for more than 10 years, and have rich experience facilitating Lamrim lessons.
In Lesson 1 of the DEW, Dawn guided participants in recalling the Master Plan for our infinite lives (in the form of The Three Life Objectives) that Master Jih-Chang had laid out for us more than 20 years ago. She also shared what we must do in this life to enable ourselves to continually attain a human life of leisure and opportunity, life after life - to ensure high status rebirth!
In Lesson 2, Vincent led everyone to learn the right views taught by Master Jih-Chang and Teacher Zhen-Ru, which will guide our actions to bring about happy outcomes. In addition, everyone also learned about viewing karma not just at a personal level but to also recognize the power of collective karma. By planting the right causes (in a collective karmic environment) with virtuous friends, under the guidance of excellent teachers, the strong bond we create will lead us to progress on the path of high status rebirth.
Skit on Plight of Three Life Times
The skit to illustrate the Plight of Three Lifetimes brought about much laughter, while bringing across an important message - continual high status rebirth can only be achieved with a stainless aspiration.
Stretching Exercise
A timely short 10 mins stretching exercise at the end of lesson 2 also kept participants actively engaged.
During Lesson 3, Julie highlighted that by being in the Lamrim class, all students are already in a conducive environment where we can mutually inspire & learn from each other, and grow our wisdom & virtues. Venerable Ben Wen also shared his story of how his life was transformed after learning the Lamrim teachings explained by Master.
Participants also had the opportunity to contemplate and pen down (in the Happiness Log) the virtuous deeds they have done since learning the Lamrim as well as to motivate themselves to do more after this DEW session.
We look forward to everyone coming together to learn again in the upcoming DEW in Nov 2023!