和谐的福德与智慧旋律 Harmonizing Melodious Tunes of Meritorious Bliss and Wisdom
在我们的菩提修行道上,向三宝献上虔诚的礼赞 , “2023 赞胜一切颂出正能量” 赞颂会于9月17日下午2点至4点举行,我们吸引了140多名观众、演出和支持人员以及义工参与。
Offering Insightful Praises to the Triple Gems on our Bodhi Path of Cultivation, "2023 Rise and be Triumphant" Insightful Praise Recital held on 17 Sep , 2-4pm, BW Monastery welcomed more than 140 audience to joyously praise and sing along.
随喜年轻的节目司仪 劲恺 和参与表演的表演者的音声供养: Rejoice to our young emcee of the program, Brother Jing Kai and the participated performers for offering the insightful praises at the recital:
Auspicious Buddhist Hymns Section 吉祥佛曲组 《皈依颂 Ode to Refuge in the Triple Gems》
Auspicious Joyous Choir Section 吉祥欢唱组 《莲花喻赞(二) Ode to the Lotus Priase (2)》
文传百会长 Mr Boon Chuan Bok 《喜迎菩萨冉冉来 Joyously Receiving the Bodhisattvas》
许春莲 Karen Koh 《凝眸 Gazing》

观众学习赞颂手式动作 Audience learning interactive moves for action song
Irene Lee 李宗矜 《Red Rubies White Mandala with Reminiscing along the Lakeside 红宝石白曼达/相思湖畔》
Auspicious Buddhist Hymns Section 吉祥佛曲组 《菩提心赞颂 Bodhicitta Praise》
Paying Tribute 《感恩有您》

Insightful Praise Class 2 - Ladies Ensemble 赞颂二班 女生小组 《树影婆娑明月照Graceful Trees Dancing in the Moonlight》
Virtuous Voices: 《You Are By My Side 您在我左右》
You're welcome to join us to perform in the upcoming March, June or September 2024 recitals if you are musically inclined and motivated to repay the kindness of the Triple Gems through insightful praises!
Volunteers 义工们
总护持团队要向表演者、义工们以及幕后的每个人表示感谢,是他们让这次活动成为可能。 他们的辛勤工作和付出确保了这场神圣法宴的成功。
The organising committee would like to express their gratitude to the performers, volunteers, and everyone behind the scenes who made this event possible. Their hard work and commitment ensured that this sacred Dharma Banquet became a success.
何岫霓总护持、文传百会长、 Irene 处长
司仪 劲恺、Irene 处长、何岫霓总护持、 卓云娟、戴彩妮、张秀萍副总护持们
感谢师长、三宝加持,这次活动得以顺利成办。感恩随喜大家! We would like to thank our lineage masters and the Triple Gems for their blessings.🌻