Debrief for Joyous Rhapsody: ‘Heading towards the First Light with Gratitude’ Concert 吉祥悦《承载深恩 迎向曙光》音乐会的结行
On January 31, 2024, the Main Organising Team of Joyous Rhapsody held the post-event de-brief of the December 2023 Joyous Rhapsody ‘Heading towards the First Light with Gratitude’ Concert. About 43 students attended the de-brief.
吉祥悦总护持团队在2024年1月31日举办了2023年12月的吉祥悦《承载深恩 迎向曙光》音乐会的总结行。深深随喜约43位同学出席。

With much gratitude to Venerable Jingyuan for visiting the Arts and Culture Department’s debrief session for 2023 Joyous Rhapsody. His words of encouragement and explanation of the merits of our lineage masters and the special benefits of everyone's virtuous offering and volunteering was indeed very motivational.
感恩净远法师莅临文化艺术处吉祥悦总结行, 开示师长功德及大家护持的殊胜利益。
We are also thankful for Venerable Ben Wen's discourse and Venerable Daoci who led us in the dedication of merits. Undoubtedly, the students felt doubly blessed by the care given by our Venerables. Really grateful for the Venerables' compassion.
Our three young Main Organising Team’s overall in-charge for this event:
ANC Deputy Director, Sister Angeline Liu, Sister Jannie Lim and Sister Jennifer Wong also shared the event report and the feedback for the 2023 Joyous Rhapsody Concert. We deeply rejoice and praise them for their courageous commitment and dedication. Through the Insightful Praises offered at the concert, they propagated the Dharma and benefited sentient beings, enabling more disciples of our lineage masters to return and be guided by the Teacher's Mahayana vows, to follow the teachings of the lineage masters until achieving perfect enlightenment.
刘菁菁副处长,林清清师姐,Sis Jennifer Wong 也分享了吉祥悦的报告与回馈。
ANC Deputy Director, Sister Angeline Liu also thanked all the performers and volunteers, on and off stage.
「总结的学问 总结是很重要的事情,千万不能草草结论。 应认真在自己的生命经历中找出动力、找出趋向于善的力量、找出人性的美好。 」
《心之勇士》第48页,第88则 -
Therefore, the Arts and Culture Department also relies on the teachings of our virtuous Gurus and organized a debrief for the 2023 auspicious joy. Three of the volunteers were invited to share their reflections on their learning experiences which cultivated their faith. They include Brother Huang Xiang Neng (one of the emcees), Lamrim class Monitor, Sister Lin Su Min (one of the performers) and Sister Qiu Li Hua (Group Lead of the Reception group.
Mega rejoice to them as these are very helpful to the 40 volunteers present. In this way, we will not be drowned in the empty consciousness of non-observation. And it helps us to discover the achievements of life and the value of life.
They allow everyone to receive the supreme blessings, teachings and benefits of the Buddha. They summarized their volunteering experiences according to the teachings, and the performers and each of the supporters initiate a virtue and a loss. This is an excellent method to pay homage to the Triple Gems Grateful for these precious reflections as they will allow us to achieve faster and higher spiritual attainment. Grateful to our lineage masters for the advice not to take the debrief lightly. The thorough reflection allows us to :
1. Find out the motivation
2. Find out the power that tends to be good
3. Find out the beauty of human nature (Buddha nature)
有三位义工分享学习心得及修信念恩。他们包括: 祥能师兄,素敏班长及莉花师姐。
深深随喜他们的总结,很有力地帮助在场的40位出席的义工。这样才不会淹没在无观察识里空过。 而且帮助我们发现活过的成绩、生命的价值。
他们让大家可以得到师长佛陀无上的加持、教导与饶益。 随喜他们为大家依照教理,认真地思惟总结自己,表演者与每一位护持人员发起的一德、损减一过之处。这是切身直接对师长三宝修信念恩的极佳方便。
深深随喜大家通过护持及总结让信心能增长,则修行的成就会更快更高。 所以千万不能草草结论。
Our ANC Director, Sister Irene Lee expressed her gratefulness to all the Main Organising Teams who have served and supported the annual ANC Joyous Rhapsody Concerts since 2018. Not forgetting, the cadres and students volunteer of the Arts and Cultural Department, the performers of Joyous Rhapsody, all the warriors behind the scenes, who year after year make offerings of voice and music to the Triple Gems, Bodhisattvas, and lineage masters.
All these efforts benefit all sentient beings including themselves on their Bodhi path. It is truly admirable. Deeply grateful to everyone.
A walk down memory lane slideshow was also created for the performers and all volunteers.