Lecture No. 0273

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0273

Lamrim Volume 1:  Pg40 LL17

Tape No |  4B 26:18 ~ 5A 01:20

Date: 6 Jul 2022

Topic: Read Master Atisha’s biography to learn about the teachings on mind training

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0273

Very Well! Let’s continue to listen to Master expounding on what Master Atisha did to benefit others. [0:12]   

 [4B 26:18 ~ 5A 01:20]  Regarding  benefiting others, take note of the situation at that time. The Tibetan King Jangchup-ö [the successor of his uncle  King Yeshe-ö] aspired to reinvigorate the Buddha Dharma in Tibet. In fact, both generations aspired to reinvigorate the Buddha Dharma, and they sent delegations to India to invite teachers. In India at that time, there were many highly accomplished practitioners, such as the aforementioned Master Naropa. However, there was only one person who could completely resolve all the disputes and misconceptions to revive Buddha Dharma. Who was that person? He was  Master Atisha.  Many yearned to invite him to Tibet. But as soon as the Indians heard that someone was coming to invite Master Atisha, well, this news was censored immediately. This news was not only sealed off in the monastery, but also everywhere outside the monastery. Once they knew there were Tibetans approaching, they would go “Fine!”  and they would not say anything in front of these Tibetans.  Indeed, many years of seeking  passed. Though the delegations searched for many years, they could not locate the whereabouts of Master Atisha. Actually, Master Atisha was right in front of them, [but they didn’t know.] Whomever the delegations encountered, no one would reveal the identity of Master Atisha. Conceivably, Master Atisha was viewed with high esteem in India; the Indians upheld him at a very prestigious position! [01:15]

Finally, he was recognized by the Tibetan delegations, and by the time they were going to invite him – I’m not sure which monastery it was, I forgot the name of it. The senior monk of… could be Vikramasila, I’m not sure. It was the largest monastery in India at that time. The senior monk of this great monastery said to the Tibetan delegation, “You have to realize that India is the predominant  land of origin of Buddhism.” What does that mean? “It means that the Buddha was born in India, and all of the perfect teaching originated here. Therefore, the preservation of this lineage is very important. If Master Atisha leaves for Tibet, Buddhism in India will come to an end.” At that time, there were so many eminent teachers in India, yet the senior monk said that if Master Atisha was to leave India, Buddhism in India would be done for! Just imagine, you can envision how remarkable Master Atisha was! [02:13]

This point might be beyond our comprehension, how could this possibly happen? For example, our elderly Master Kuang-chin, or Teacher Lee, ah! Both of them were remarkable indeed, however, they were still not as marvellous as Master Atisha. In [Chinese Buddhism] history, there were Master Zhi-zhe in the Tian-tai lineage and Zen Master Hui-si.  Both were extraordinary, but there was no one like Master Atisha who could uphold the teachings in their entirety. Thus, you can envision the achievements of Master Atisha in terms of benefiting self and others in India. That is why people honoured him as “Shakyamuni the second!” [02:48]

From this section, we should realise  that  it was in fact a very challenging task to invite  Master Atisha to Tibet given all that King Jang-chup-ö had forgone and sacrificed in order to invite Master Atisha to Tibet. After arriving in India, no one disclosed who Master Atisha was to the delegates. All Indians were protective of Master Atisha. Those who knew Master Atisha were disinclined for Master Atisha to be invited to Tibet, so you can imagine how arduous the mission was! That is, [in a foreign land],  nobody supported you, nor was there anyone willing to help out; everyone tried to hinder you. This should be what the situation was like! Therefore, the envoy could not obtain any information. Think about it! A mission like this was extremely arduous; whoever they met, not a single person would inform them  who  Master Atisha was. From such an instance,  Master pointed out, “ Conceivably,  Master Atisha was viewed with high esteem in India; the Indians upheld him at a very prestigious position!” It means that the Indians were reluctant to see Master Atisha leaving for Tibet. [03:58]

And then Master further elaborated it: “India is the predominant land of origin of Buddhism…  The Buddha was born in India, and all of the perfect teaching originated here. Therefore, the preservation of this lineage is very important. If Master Atisha leaves for Tibet, Buddhism in India will come to an end.” There were so many great excellent teachers, yet they concurred that once Master Atisha was to leave India, Buddhism in India would come to an end.  Master added, “ You can envision how remarkable Master Atisha was!” [04:31]

In fact, every time when I study  Master’s teaching on  Master Atisha, how I wish to carefully read over the biography of Master Atisha. With such astonishing achievements in India, Master Atisha was esteemed as the crown jewel in many monasteries in India. Being such an esteemed master, yet the Tibetans successfully invited him to Tibet. I feel that this development is legendary. [05:00]

It has been a year now since our Venerables of the translation academy began translating the Biography of  Master Atisha, and the major collaborative editing is underway. The translation part is about to be completed. Once the translation is completed, I would love to study it with you all together. This version that our monastics are translating now is more thorough than the version that was translated by Venerable Fa-zun [1902-1980]. I feel that, for those of us studying the teaching from this lineage, we should bear in mind Master Atisha’s great compassion and his various good qualities. Besides, I am also eager to learn about the kind of arduous hardships he went through, and the kind of merits he thus acquired while seeking the Dharma; while relying on virtuous teachers; from his cultivation; and while promulgating the Buddha Dharma in Tibet. I really would like to learn and comprehend all of these! Once this translation text is published, I will go over it with you all. [05:49]

When I begin to go over this biography, you may not have the book yet. This is because as soon as the translation is done, I could start giving discourses – after the editing is completed. I am wondering if you all would like to learn from it? Would you like to listen to this teaching? As for myself, I do like to study it well, because therein definitely lies plenty of instructions on mind training; many of them would be helpful when we are in a situation. A case in point, when I face certain arising condition, what should I do? I want to start to move up but can’t. When I encounter problems or obstacles, despite the effort I make,  I just can’t advance at all.  In the biographies of those eminent practitioners, there are in fact great analogies or examples. By reflecting on ourselves through these examples, we may very well come up with a solution for a breakthrough. [06:33]

Sometimes, when we read the biographies of  eminent monks – they are the manifestation of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas – or the biographies of  accomplished practitioners,  could there be times that we  may be able to develop disenchantment? Because it may even be possible to develop Bodhicitta!  That is, while reading the biographies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we are deeply touched, and we aspire,  “I too want to be like them!” This alone might motivate us to develop such aspiration. [06:55]

The manifestation of Master Atisha is very extraordinary. Buddhism in India depended on him;  the once-again reinvigorating of Buddhism in Tibet  also relied on him. Therefore, such manifestation is incredible. In such a short duration of his lifespan in samsara,  Master Atisha accomplished such great feats! Understandably, there must be many study tips in his biography, which can be integrated with our own mind training. If we can develop faith in Master Atisha, to name a few examples, those who have difficulties in memorizing  might be able to overcome them; likewise, the challenges in debating  might be overcome. In addition, family issues, health conditions…; when we are inspired with enthusiasm, difficulties, in fact, are not difficulties. However, when we are dispirited, all difficulties become aggravated; even when people made some general comments, or when we experience any trivial grievance, we  have to go through  revengeful retaliation. We need to get even with them, or even to defeat others, only then we will lapse into the chasm of worldly contentment, which does nothing but accumulates non-virtuous karma. [07:57]

If you read the biographies of great teachers, you will notice their motivation in every undertaking is very pure, especially when it comes to taming the mind, they would put in relentless effort in taming the mind.  They all evinced their profound understanding of the fault of self-grasping and the flaw of ignorance; that all disputes arise from erroneous perception, and that they do not exist independently. Therefore,  these great teachers would find crucial solution to the issue, instead of beating around the bush,  blaming others or finding fault in others. Resolving the difficulties in life is definitely done by practicing mind training. [08:38]

Those who had studied under Master’s guidance all know that Master definitely would emphasize taming our afflictions internally – the solution to every problem starts by reconciling from within. Therefore, Master never criticized others, he never ever criticised others. Instead, he always reconciled within. So, while one is following Master’s guidance in practicing earnestly,  when our latent propensity emerges and we are about to speak ill of others, those who have taken the Bodhisattva vows could incur the cardinal transgression [v.2 p.73]. What kind of intention is that? With the intention of fame and gain, what will one do?  To praise the self and denigrate others. This is exactly the infraction of the cardinal transgression according to Bodhisattva vows. So, if we have such latent propensity – always criticizing others, praising ourselves, and considering that I am the best…. In fact, with such attitude, it indicates that one can’t even properly abide by the  proscriptive and prescriptive precepts after we take refuge [to the Three Jewels v.1 p.194]; if this is the case, then it is very troublesome. [09:26]

While we are studying the biographies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or while we are studying the scriptures…. There is a saying in the secular world.  It says with many of our flaws, if one can read inspiring books, then it is like melting butter on  toast – with the baking heat, the butter is melted. The same is with our latent propensity; by studying the biographies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, our negative latent propensity will not be nourished and grow persistently, because it won’t last forever and it can be countered by the law of dependent arising. [09:48]

With high expectation, I hope we can study well the Biography of  Master Atisha. I also hope you can have the same strong aspiration, because it is not easy to translate this biography. Our Venerables are striving hard to complete the translation amidst their already very busy schedule. This is especially true given that now discourses on Serenity and Insight are launched.  Our Venerables in the translation academy also have to begin translating the Serenity and Insight  part  in the Four Interwoven Annotations. They are all  extremely busy. With all these undertakings amidst such busy schedule, if we all can sincerely study the teaching and apply it to tame our minds, and increase our virtues and eliminate our non-virtues, maximize the utmost use of this life of leisure and opportunity in this current limited lifespan, wouldn’t we be happy despite the strenuous  efforts?  [10:30]

Hence, we should pay homage to the past masters of the lineage! Homage to  Master Atisha and all virtuous teachers who underwent such arduous journey and came to Tibet to pass down the teaching to us! [10:43]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0273】

讲次 0273 (2020-11-09 ~ 2020-11-11)

标题 | 阅读尊者传记,学习修心教授

《广论》段落 | P6-L1 于圣教所作事中分二……藏中所作事理。 今初

音档 | 4B 26:18 ~ 5A 01:20

手抄页/行 | 第1册 P127-L3 ~ P132-L1 ( 2016 南普陀版:P127-L6 ~ P131-LL1 )

手抄段落 | 利他方面……人家尊他为“能仁第二”啊!

(更新日期: 2022年7月6日)









所以译经院的法师从去年开始翻译《阿底峡尊者传》翻译一年,现在正在大会校,就快翻译完了。翻译完了之后,我很想跟大家一起学一下,它比尊法师翻译的那个《阿底峡尊者传》的译本要更全。我觉得我们这些学到这个教法的人,是应该铭记阿底峡尊者的悲心啊,还有他的各种功德;也很想要了解他在求法的时候、追随善知识的时候、在修行的时候,乃至他在西藏弘法利生,都经历了怎样的艰辛,有怎样的功德,很想了解这些!所以等到译本出来的时候就给大家讲。 05:49

可能我开始讲的时候你们还没有书,因为刚译完我这边可能就可以讲了,会校结束之后。不知道你们会不会想了解?会不会想听呢?我自己是很想好好学,因为那里边一定有很多修心的教授,很多很多可以帮到我们的现行的。比如说遇到了这个境我该怎么办?开始想上爬,爬不上去,遇到了这个问题、这个障碍,就是怎么努力都上不去的时候,那些成就者在他们的传记里,其实都有一个很好的譬喻,或者说一个例子。然后从那个例子里反思一下自己,可能就想到突破的办法了。 06:33






我抱着很高的热望,希望能够跟大家一起好好地学习《阿底峡尊者传》,也希望你们能够好好地希求,因为翻译这本书并不容易,大家都是在很忙的时候拼命地把它译完。尤其是现在又开了那个学习止观的课程,译经院的法师们又要开始翻译《四家合注》的止观部分,都是很忙的。那么这些忙碌的所有的一切,如果大家都能够认真地学,能用来调伏内心,能够增长善、遏止恶,在我们这个有限的一生中把自己生命的暇满的义大发挥到极致,那再辛苦点不是也很开心吗? 10:30



Lecture No. 0274


Lecture No. 0272