Lecture No. 0275

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0275

Lamrim Volume 1:  Pg 36 L6 to LL12

Date: 7 Jul 2022

Topic: In the affluent land of Bengal, noble King of the Za-hor lineage 
Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations Vol. 1, Pg P98-LL3 ~ P101-L7 whether we address him……so we have to observe.

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0275

Very well! Next, let’s read Rinpoche’s explanation [in the Chinese text of the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations]: whether we address him as Dipam-kara-sri-jnana or Master Atisha, either way is acceptable; this guru’s reputation was widely known across the land. The greatness of Master Atisha is explained from three aspects:

1. How he took rebirth in an excellent lineage
2. How upon that basis he gained good qualities
3. Having gained those good qualities, what Atisha did to further the teachings

As is set forth in the Eighty Verses of Praise, composed by the great translator Nagtso….” As for the transmitting of the biography of Jowo Je, i.e. Master Atisha, Lama Tsong-kha-pa relied mainly on the Eighty Verses of Praise, composed by the great translator Nag-tso. It says (in India), “To the east of the Bodhimanda, there was a vast region known as Bengal; within this region there is an area known to the Indians as Zahor”. This refers to the name of a small area with a city located in the Bengal region; the Indians called it Zahor. However, “It is pronounced as sa-hor in Tibetan”. This ‘Sa’ is as in sprinkling flowers in Chinese; Sa-hor. [01:05]
It is stated differently in Jowo Je’s disciple’s Drom-don-ba’s travel journal, “In the Zahor region located in the East of India, there was a city named Bengal”. The description is different, over here Za-hor and Bengal are reversed (i.e. Za-hor is a country and Bengal is a city). As we currently know, Bengal is a country, while Za-hor is a city in this country. This section [in blue print] is the annotations of Master Jamyang Zhepa, he also mentioned several other explanations, and this is one of them, i.e. there are different accounts of the name of the country and the name of the city. “and ‘about one hundred thousand households’”, Master Jamyang Zhepa’s annotation is different from the earlier annotation that stated that there was a city named Za-hor in the Bengal region, and this sentence Bengal is surrounded by one hundred thousand households is different. “Then, in the ‘History of Buddha Dharma by Luo-Zha-Ba-Wo’ is also as aforesaid said” thus, we should take this as the correct one. And there is also, “Sang-Guo-Ma’s Travel Journal which is also similar.” There should not be any Chinese translation, right? There is no Chinese translation. The same account can be found in Sang-Guo-Ma’s Travel Journal. [02:11]
Rinpoche continued: either way, Master Jamyang Zhepa stated that based on what was described by Master Drom-don-ba, Bengal is the country, and Za-hor is the city, is also acceptable. Why? Because “The Prayers for Jowo Je’s Biography (composed by Drom Don Ba) says, ‘In the affluent land of Bengal;”; this place is Bengal, “noble King of the Za-hor lineage”; the Za-hor King refers to the King of the Za-hor City. [02:41] [Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations Vol. 1, Pg 99 L12 to L16]

Next is the question and answer section [in the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations Chinese text], I will do a summary. As you may have noticed, in this small paragraph, Lama Tsong-kha-pa relied mainly on the Eighty Verses of Praise, composed by the great translator Nag-tso. When the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations was printed, we have not translated the Eighty Verses of Praise to Chinese. Recently, the Venerables in our translation academy have already finished translating it into Chinese. The chief editor is Venerable Ru-fa. However, it still hasn’t been published yet. Later, when it is published, we all can read it respectfully. [03:09]

Relying on the Eighty Verses of Praise composed by the great translator Nag-tso as a basis, it quoted from Drom-don-ba‘s Travel Journal, and what else? The History of Buddha Dharma by Luo-Zha-Ba-Wo, Sang-Guo-Ma’s Travel Journal, as well as the Prayers for Jowo Je’s Biography (composed by Drom-don-ba), right? So many sources were cited for the discussion over this place. Evidently, the great masters composing the Four Interwoven Annotations were very punctilious. They would relentlessly search for all sorts of reliable sources, just like us when we are discussing a particular topic. Generally, when exploring a question, sometimes it will take us one or two months, even half a year may not get us anywhere, because there were all kinds of explanations. Are we able to read all the books available in the world? Usually, we would still not know where we could find other different explanations. Thus, what we can do is to search for reliable references from the versions available now. [04:04]

To sum up, on page 100 [L8], Rinpoche stated [the Chinese text of the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations], “Finally, the most reliable explanation is Jowo Je was born in the Bengal region to the royal family of the King Za-hor– Bengal is the country, and Zahor is the royal family. This is the 2nd explanation from Master Drom-don-ba. Besides the explanation from Master Drom-don-ba, Master Jamyang Zhepa and Master Ba, all three of them concorded with the same view. In great translator, Nag-tso’s Eighty Verses of Praise, it also says, “In the excellent land of Za-hor [Bengal] in the east is a great city …” [Lamrim vol. 1, page 36 L9] Thus, this question is probably answered in this way. Which place is the answer? The birthplace of Master Atisha. Right? Where was he born? Bengal, right? The Za-hor royal family in Bengal. [04:57]

In Nag-tso’s praise to Jowo Je, it says, “In the excellent land of Za-hor [Bengal] in the east is a great city;” the largest city among them was Vikramanipura. There is another annotation from Master Ba, it says, “It was as great as Ka-che-tsi-dun”. This Ka-che-tsi-dun was another big city. “Ka-che” means Kashmir. There was a city named “Tsi-dun” in Kashmir, and this Vikramanipura is about the same size as the Tsi-dun city. How many households were there? It says, “with 2.4 million or 2.7 million households.” living there. Next, let’s read the red print: “In this praise, it states that there were 2.7 million households”, which is also documented in his Eighty Verses of Praise – there were 2.7 million households. That was a fairly big city. [05:52]
And then the Praise continues, “In its center is a royal residence, a palace extremely vast” [Lamrim vol. 1, page 36, L11]. Take heed now! First, we entered a big city, then we observed how many million households there were in this city, next we should visit the palace. In the center of the city “A palace known as the royal residence is extremely vast”; that is, we can use the adjective “vast” to describe the palace, a very huge palace; it probably covered quite a large area. There was a name for this palace, “Golden Banner”. Next Master Ba’s annotation states, “This is the one currently known as the golden crown in the legend”; that is, the palace is also known as a golden crown. Then Master Ba quoted from Master Drom-don-ba’s Travel Journal into his annotation, “The Travel Journal recorded: ‘In the Za-hor region located in the east of India, there was a city named Bengal’ so on and so forth; this requires further observations”. Means, Master Ba opined that since it lacked clarity as to the city and the region, we should observe further. [06:56]

Hence, speaking of history, if there are different accounts from various sources, then this matter would become an enigma, and it is for us to explore. Nevertheless, in our study, disciples would abide by their guru’s viewpoint – whichever explanation their gurus decide to follow, disciples will follow suit. Now, based on the historical account of this city, we learn that this royal residence covered a vast area with a very huge palace. What is the name of the palace? It is Golden Banner, right? Some also said it is the Golden Crown of our present time. [07:29]

 [*color scheme of annotations: red: Master Ba, blue: Master Jamyang Zhepa, green: Master Nga-wang Rab-ten/Venerable Yu]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0275】

讲次 | 0275 (2020-11-16 ~ 2020-11-18)

标题 | 富饶之地邦伽罗,贵冑撒贺王种姓

《广论》段落 | P2-L13 ~ P3-L4 其殊胜分三……即现至尊师。”

入门段落 | 第1册 P98-LL3 ~ P101-L7 那么无论是称呼为......所以要观察。

(更新日期: 2022年7月7日)





综上所述,仁波切在 100 页说:最后认为可靠的说法,觉窝杰出生在邦伽罗境内的撒贺王种姓——邦伽罗是个国,撒贺是个王种姓,这个是种敦巴尊者的第二种说法。除了种敦巴尊者这样说,像妙音笑大师、巴梭法王,这三位的承许都是一样的。那么那措大译师的赞文之中也说:“东撒贺胜境,其间有大城。”这个问题大概就这样交代完了。这是交代什么地方啊?就是阿底峡尊者的出生地。对不对?他出生地是哪里呀?邦伽罗。对吧?邦伽罗境中的撒贺王种姓。04:57




Lecture No. 0276


Lecture No. 0274