Lecture No. 0277
Global Lamrim II
Lecture No. 0277
Lamrim | P3-L5 ~ P3-L8
Lamrim Vol. 1 P36 LL11 – P37L11
Date: 7 Jul 2022
Topic: The great translator, Nag-tso, who composed the Eighty Verses of Praise
Great! Today we will continue with our study. We are discussing the good qualities of Master Atisha [v.1 p.36]; that is “how upon that basis he gained good qualities, which is explained in two parts:
1. How, knowing many texts, he gained the good qualities of scriptural knowledge
2. How, engaging in proper practices, he gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge”
Before we begin, I would like to ask you all a question: do you still remember the name of the Bodhisattva who Master Atisha manifested in Buddha’s time, when we talked about the Life of Master Atisha? He was Bodhisattva Bhadrapala, right? Speaking of Bodhisattva Bhadrapala, I would like to introduce him briefly. [00:34]
In Buddha’s time, it is said that Master Atisha was a lay Bodhisattva practitioner, and was also known as Baddabara. From the Mahāsaṃghata-sūtra*, Treasury of Mahayana Sutra, Xuan-hu Chapter, it says: in Buddha’s time, there was an upasaka* named Bhadrapala in Rajagrah. Being the most prominent among the lay practitioners, he upheld the five precepts, and was endowed with majestic bearing. He was a long-term practitioner of Bodhisattva deeds. In his past lives, he had made offerings to immeasurable Buddhas, planted various virtuous roots, and venerated all Buddha’s teachings by upholding them diligently. What was most impressive was that despite being a lay practitioner, he rigorously abided by the precepts and enlightened other practitioners. He was able to meet with all Buddhas candidly, and he made grand aspirational vows to engage in profound virtuous deeds. His Bodhichitta was as steadfast as the diamond, his many great and virtuous deeds were beyond imagination. [01:40]
[*Fascicle Bhadrapala the diamond; many great and virtuous deeds of Bhadrapala were inconceivable. translated by Shénàjuéduō (Jñānagupta in Sanskrit) about 523~600 AD in the Sui dynasty [581~619 AD] *Upasaka: male lay practitioner, upasika: female lay practitioner.]
In the Kasyapa Chapter of the Ratna-kuta Collection, the version translated by Shénàjuéduō (Jñānagupta) recorded: When Buddha was at Rajagrah, there was a very wealthy elder, whose son was Bhadrapala. Due to his blissful causes and conditions in the past lives, he was endowed with dignified and elegant physical form, and his wealth surpassed that of Indra, the deity king. Moreover, in the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom translated by Kumarajiva* it states, “Baddabara (Bhadrapala) Bodhisattva was a respectable elder in Rajagrah and was the greatest one among all lay Bodhisattva practitioners.” Furthermore, in Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra, Śūrangama Sūtra etc., we can also find descriptions about the good qualities of this Bodhisattva. This is the life story of Master Atisha; all the historical records about his life can be found in many sutras. [02:34]
[*Kumarajiva: 334-413, in later Qin dynasty]
Next, let’s begin to learn about how he gained good qualities of scriptural knowledge and experiential knowledge. The section of “how upon that basis he gained good qualities” is divided into two parts: one is “How, knowing many texts, he gained the good qualities of scriptural knowledge”, and the other is “How, engaging in proper practice, he gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge”, meaning this section is to explain the good qualities of Master Atisha’s scriptural knowledge and experiential knowledge. Generally speaking, Buddha’s teachings comprise both scripture knowledge and experiential knowledge, and Jowo Je Master Atisha rounded off the entire good qualities of scriptural knowledge and experiential knowledge. Hence, he was the upholder of the entire teaching passing down from Buddha. [03:06]
[*Tsultrim Gyelwa: meaning demeanor the victorious - the spiritual mentor who triumphs with ethical self-discipline]
So, the translator Nag-tso composed the Eighty Verses of Praise, to pay homage to Master Atisha, this work is with 80 verses in total. Previously, I said that there was no Chinese translation yet, but now this translation has just been completed. The main structure of the praise is based on the life of Master Atisha, depicting his achievements in terms of the three precious trainings, namely, ethical discipline, meditative stabilization, and wisdom insight, as well as the great Dharma Works he accomplished in India and Tibet. [05:21]
Before Nag-tso, the translator composed this Eighty Verses of Praise, Ksitigarbha Pandita also composed something similar in ode format. There was a saying that the Praise Nag-tso composed was based on Ksitigarbha Pandita’s work. This is just one version of explanation. There is another possibility; while reading this part, I was thinking: Nag-tso had relied on Master Atisha for 19 years. At the age of 27, he went to India to invite Master Atisha and acted as his interpreter. Thus, with his “proper reliance”, a special kind of faith must have arisen. Under such circumstances, Nag-tso definitely had deeper understanding of Master Atisha’s good qualities. Since the great masters in the past always valued the lineage, they would first consult some former masters’ works, and with certain understanding, they started to compose their own version. Whatever it is, if we can read the Eighty Verses of Praise composed by Nag-tso, the translator – a person who had closely relied on Master Atisha for 19 years, and then he composed the Eighty Verses of Praise – we should feel very fortunate to have such an opportunity to read this truly hard to come by Praise! [06:30]
【全球广论 II 讲次: 0277】
讲次 | 0277 (2020-11-23 ~ 2020-11-25)
标题 | 造《八十赞》的那措译师
《广论》段落 | P3-L5 ~ P3-L8 获得功德事理分二……美誉遍扬。
入门段落 | 第1册 P103-L5 ~ P104-L2 获得功德事理,分二......美誉遍扬。
备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》 第1册 P104-注释⑦完 贤护 佛世在家菩萨……描述此菩萨的功德。
(更新日期: 2022年7月14日)
Hello, World!在一开始的时候说:“今初学习共通明处者:如《赞》云”,这个《赞》还是那措译师写的《八十赞》。关于那措译师到底是谁呢?他是噶当派的祖师,在公元 1011 年到 1064 年这个中间。他本名戒胜,生在阿里地区的种迦拉东,那措就是他的族姓。出家后成为藏地有名的律师。他非常地幸运,二十七岁到印度迎请阿底峡尊者——二十七岁是有些同学完成五大论的年龄,他去印度迎请阿底峡尊者。从此如理依止阿底峡尊者十九年,并且担任阿底峡尊者的翻译。所以藏地现有的阿底峡尊者所传的大部分传承,都是透过他才获得的,因此对藏人具有无比的恩德。04:58