Lecture No. 0282

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0282

Lamrim Volume 1:  P37-L22 ~ LL11

Date: 22 May 2022

Topic:  Introduce the five paths and ten Bhumis, and remember the prescriptive precepts in the veneration of monastics section

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0282


Today, we will continue to study the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations, [Chinese text,] at the bottom of page 107. So, the text reads: “it doesn’t mean that the preceptor was a Mahasamghika practitioner because of his attainment on the path of preparation and [his conceptual understanding of] the wisdom of emptiness.” Why [does this part] explain that the preceptor [of Master Atisha] was actually not a Mahasamghika practitioner? [The text] continues [the black print part]: “invited was the abbot from the Mahasamghika school… With the attainment on the perspective of the path of preparation – the Samadhi [meditative stabilization] that all phenomena are without intrinsic nature, the preceptor was revered Silaraksita.” [00:34]

Now, [the Introduction] touches upon what kind of attainment the preceptor of Master Atisha had achieved? [It] says that the preceptor [Silaraksita] had attained the path of preparation. So, now we need to understand more [about the path of preparation], herein please find Rinpoche’s exposition: there are four levels in the path of preparation i.e. heat, peak/climax, patience/forbearance, supreme mundane [Dharma] quality. When [practitioners] achieved the patience level of the path of preparation, it is said that [they] attain one part of the reality, [and] Master Atisha received and took on his near perfection vow - monastic vows from such an abbot [who had attained the patience level]. The abbot in “Your abbot was renowned by all as having attained the path of preparation” refers to this acharya. And after [his] renunciation and ordination, [Master Atisha] “was given the name Sri Dipamkarajnana [meaning glorious illuminator of wisdom]” and this was the Dharma name of Master Atisha. [01:16]

Here, let’s take a moment to understand a bit more about this acharya of Master Atisha. [To begin with,] for example, what is meant by “acharya”? That is, after the disciples implored a senior monk three times to be [their] acharya, the senior monk agreed to be the acharya of the disciples. Because of the capability to impart pure teachings to inspire, guide, and protect the disciples, hence [they] are known as acharya. Over here, the acharya or the preceptor refers to the great virtuous and eminent master who gave Master Atisha ordination - the abbot who performed the tonsure had attained the path of preparation. [01:54]

Hence when speaking of “the path of preparation”, we need to understand, what are the levels of practice that the sravaka, pratyekabuddha, and Bodhisattva have to go through respectively? [They each] have five paths, correct? [As indicated in the 38 Practices of Lamrim, the last verse,] “Fulfill the merits of the ten Bhumis and the five paths, bless me to attain Vajradhara (essence of all the buddhas of the three times) rapidly.” Each of these three vehicles has its five paths respectively. The five paths are, the path of accumulation, the path of preparation, the path of seeing, the path of meditation and what else? The path of no more learning; Sravaka vehicle has Sravaka's five paths, pratyekabuddha vehicle has pratyekabuddha's five paths, and Mahayana vehicle has the Mahayana five paths. What is mentioned in this text should mean the Mahayana vehicle, right? [02:22]

Then, what is the criterion one can use to determine if you are a Mahayana practitioner? [It is based on] one’s innate spiritual proclivities and capacities, right? If, in the case of the Mahayana practitioners, how to determine [which path one has attained] among the five paths? Upon aspiring to be a Bodhisattva [attaining enlightenment for the sake of liberating all sentient beings], [the practitioner] already enters the path of accumulation of Mahayana vehicle. The path of accumulation is divided into upper, middle and lower levels. When a Bodhisattva on the upper level on the path of accumulation attains wisdom of emptiness based on the union of serenity and insight, pay attention! The wisdom of emptiness thus attained at this level is not the valid cognition of direct perception, but rather what is it? This wisdom of emptiness is attained with discriminative perception. At this juncture, what kind of valid cognition to attain the wisdom of emptiness can Bodhisattvas at the path of accumulation level achieve? [It is] not the valid cognition of direct perception, but rather the inferential cognition; [that is, they] also have the discriminating capacity to attain the wisdom of emptiness; in fact, they even can obtain the meditative serenity which could help to obtain the wisdom of emptiness, but [they] have not conjoined the serenity and insight. Once [the practitioners] achieved the wisdom of emptiness based on the conjoined serenity and insight, [they would have] entered the Mahayana path of preparation. [So,] what attainment did this acharya of [Master Atisha] have? [He] was at least on or above the path of preparation. [03:19]

The path of preparation consists of the four levels: heat, peak/climax, patience/forbearance and supreme mundane [Dharma] quality. When the Bodhisattvas on the path of preparation perfected [the accumulation of] the many merits throughout the first incalculable long eon, and further attained the valid cognition of directly realizing the wisdom of emptiness, [they enter and] attain the Mahayana path of seeing. Such a valid cognition to directly realize the wisdom of emptiness is also known as entering the first Bhumi, and the practitioners become Arya [sages]. When the Bodhisattvas at the path of seeing developed the first remedy to obliterate a portion of afflictive obstruction on the uninterrupted transition from path of seeing [to path of meditation], they enter the Mahayana path of meditation. [Working] from the entry/first Bhumi to the tenth Bhumi, take heed! When the Bodhisattvas at the tenth Bhumi of the path of meditation eradicate the last obstruction to knowledge, what state is being attained? This Bodhisattva has attained the state of Buddhahood [now], that is, this Bodhisattva finally [entered and] attained the Mahayana path of no more learning! [04:06]

With regard to the five paths, we may need to constantly contemplate them throughout our course of study, because if [we] don’t review [them] continually, [we] tend to quickly forget [them. Why?] Since [we] probably never studied this before, when speaking of the acharya who gave Master Atisha his ordination, hence [I take this opportunity to] explain the path of preparation. [04:27]

Here, another point worthy of explanation is: why are the monastic vows/precepts known as “near-perfection precept“ [upasampadā]? What does “perfection” mean? Perfection refers to nirvana, because once [we] attain the state of nirvana, [we] are free from any harm and attain all perfection, that is why it is known as perfection. Taking the monastic vows/precepts can get closer to nirvana state, that is why monastic vows/precepts are known as near-perfection precepts. [04:57]

The [text] says that even though this acharya of Master Atisha received near-perfection precepts following the Hinayana rules and protocols, it does not mean that he undertook Hinayana practice from [first] being Mahayana practitioner, as [in the text], “it doesn’t mean that the preceptor was a Mahasamghika practitioner because of his attainment on the path of preparation and [his conceptual understanding of] the wisdom of emptiness.” Mahasamghika School is part of the Vaibhashika, accordingly, if based on the doctrine of Mahasamghika, it is not sufficient [for practitioners] to obtain wisdom of emptiness and thus enter the path of preparation. Therefore, since [this acharya] had already attained [conceptual understanding of] wisdom of emptiness and entered the path of preparation, evidently he was not truly [part of] the Mahasamghika School. [05:33]

Monastics have kasayas (robes) made by sewing five pieces, seven pieces, or nine pieces of cloth, right? The five pieces of cloth are with five seams; seven pieces of cloth are with seven seams; and nine pieces of cloth are the most shining ones, and look like there are many brick-shaped cloth sewn together. Monastics were also known as bhikkhu or bhikṣuṇī, for the sake of eliminating the greed/attachment/grasping on clothes, the cloth could be any kind of fabric, stitched together to form the monastic robe. [06:00]

[We] can imagine that in the past, Buddha also left his majestic and luxurious royal prince lifestyle, and donned on the clothes sewed and joined from fabrics collected from various sources, and went on his alms round [with such a kasaya]. Wearing such a kasaya, the kasaya later developed into the current kasaya we have today. I have said: back then all kinds of color of cloth and fabric were possible, [thus the robes of monastics at that time] were probably anything but aesthetic, but later why the kasaya would evolve into the one we have today?  [Some] Venerables said it is because of offerings from lay practitioners. When Buddha left the royal palace, he took off his expensive and exquisite robes and changed into such [plain] clothes, [from this we] can understand the firm resolves he made in seeking the truth! Thus, whenever seeing the kasaya, [we] should remember that Buddha forsook all wealth and royal rank and put on such a kasaya. In reciprocal, we could say that this kasaya weighs much more compared with the [responsibilities of ruling] a kingdom can bring to him! When [Buddha] put the [kasaya] on. [07:03]

Therefore, with regard to those wearing kasaya, isn’t it stated in the prescriptive precepts of the taking refuge session [v.1 p.194]? Right? We should not rebuke/revile or criticize/bad-mouth [any members of the community]. In the stories of Buddha at his causal stage, there was also a rhinopithecus [the golden snub-nosed monkeys] being wanted by the hunters. Because the golden snub-nosed monkey was the manifestation of a Bodhisattva whose practice/cultivation showed high reverence of the Three Jewels, and the hunter came to know this golden monkey respected monastics very much, so he put on the monastic kasaya [in disguise]; Even when he was turning on the trigger [of the weapon], this monkey did not have any vicious thought at all. Instead, [the monkey] held palms together,  seeking blessings for the hunter. [07:38]

With [all] the explanation and introduction in today’s teaching, everyone please do reflect on: whenever seeing kasaya, [we] should be mindful of Buddha’s kindness, and think of these monastics – monks or nuns, novice monks and novice nuns, [we should remember that] they carry on the sublime lineage all the way from the past up till now, thus, we should venerate and bow to all Venerables/monastics for abiding by the prescriptive precepts in the taking refuge section. [By so doing, we] will accumulate vast store of blissfulness, especially the meritorious provisions or merits accumulated to attainment on the path. Therefore, whether we are lay practitioners or monastics, if we can’t revere the Three Jewels, can’t venerate monastics, then obviously the depletion of the blissfulness takes no time! For this point, all eminent masters/gurus have manifested clearly, [we] must venerate monastics. Everyone please work hard [on this]! [08:28]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0282】

讲次 | 0282 (2020-12-10 ~ 2020-12-13)

标题 | 介绍五道十地、忆念恭敬僧学处

《广论》段落 | P3-LL2 ~ P4-L2 此后尊重及诸本尊……其讳又名胜燃灯智。

入门段落 | 第1册 P107-LL3 ~ P108-L4 所以这里说......此为尊者法号。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P116-L10注释③ ~ P117-L14注释⑦完 亲教 经弟子三次祈请......显然不是真正的大众部。

(更新日期: 2022年5月22日)


今天我们来继续学习《四家合注入门》,在 107 页的下面。所以在这里边说:“非是真大众部,以言其获加行道及证空性故。”为什么说他不是真实的大众部呢?接下来又说:“随请大众部持律上座,得加行道一分真实名证所取无自性三摩地者,厥号希拉惹喀大戒护或戒铠”。00:34














Lecture No. 0283


Lecture No. 0281