Lecture No. 0286

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0286

Lamrim Volume 1:  P37LL10 ~ P38-L3

Tape No: NA

Date: 14 Jun 2022

Topic: Causes and conditions of building Odantapuri Monastery

So where did  Master Atisha receive the teaching of the Great Detailed Explanation? What was  the place? You still remember, right? That place is called ‘’Odantapuri”, right!  Regarding the name of this monastery, there is another story. Before telling this story, we will first introduce the practice of resurrecting the dead. The practice of resurrecting the dead may sound a little terrifying, but it is actually an achievement both Buddhist and non-Buddhist practitioners could have. There are many accounts of such practice found in biographies,  books on Buddhism history, and  monastery journals.  Tantra practitioners or those who aspire to quickly  accumulate blissful merits would also apply such a practice; or, for the sake of obtaining gold, some practitioners would transform corpse into gold; some would engage in the practice to  transform corpse into  riding vehicle. This practice can be applied productively. [00:48]

As for the non-Buddhist mentioned in this story, he intended to obtain one of the eight achievements which was the precious sword. The cultivation of accomplishing these eight achievements was practised by both Buddhists and non-Buddhists. Through casting spell on  a corpse for a period of time, the corpse would become a resurrected corpse,  and it would jump up. At this moment, one of the two – the practitioner or his assistant – had to restrain the corpse which would by now jump up, and the other person would cut off the tongue of the corpse. The amputated tongue would immediately turn into a precious sword;  The holder of this sword could travel anywhere and would become all powerful; there is nothing he could not do.  I am not sure whether the holder of the sword clasps the sword or sits on the sword. Anyway, the tongue is no longer the tongue; it turns into a precious sword. [01:28]

Let’s get back to Rinpoche’s Introduction.  (Chinese text, page 110) Here, Master Ngawang Rab-te (we translated as Venerable Yu in the past) made a lot of annotations in regard to the history of  Odantapuri Monastery. Rinpoche began  the story: in the past, there was a non-Buddhist who  practised resurrecting the dead – which we have just introduced. This practice is to enable dead corpse to walk;  that is the “vetalasiddhi”, which is one of the eight siddhis in the Tantric training. There is such kind of practice  among Buddhists as well. If the practice is successfully achieved,  the corpse  will turn into gold. This non-Buddhist wanted to practice resurrecting the dead. However, he couldn’t possibly make it without a helping hand. Thus, he asked a Buddhist lay practitioner to help out and told the lay practitioner,  “While I am performing the ritual of resurrecting the corpse, if you are able to  cut off the tongue of the resurrected corpse and give it to me,  the entire corpse would all turn into gold, and the gold will be all yours.” I believe this took a lot of courage. What if the layperson could not restrain it? What if he just could not bear to cut off the tongue or too terrified to do so? Anyway, we don’t know whether the layperson made the gallant effort for the gold or because these two were friends; it is not clearly documented. Anyhow, the layperson agreed to help out. [02:48]

If the resurrection of the corpse (vetalasaddhi) is achieved,  its tongue will turn into a precious sword. Holding the sword, one would be able to travel to the peak of Mount Meru, and fly to the celestial realm.  They began the practice. A few days after practising resurrecting the dead,  the corpse began to regain body temperature. A few more days later, the corpse could move; a few more days later,  the practitioners could see the tongue of the corpse moving. Initially, the tongue would stick out but retract right away. If the tongue could be cut off at the first time it stuck out, that was the best;  that layperson was asked to help cut off the tongue of the corpse.  However, we are not sure whether this layperson was too scared or not proficient enough, or due to other reasons, he did not cut the tongue off at the first instance because the tongue retracted so fast that he missed it on the first attempt.  If the tongue could be obtained at the  second time, secondary achievement would be obtained.  However, the second time the tongue stuck out, alas! This layperson missed it again. [03:59]

At the  third time, the layperson made a desperate effort because if he missed cutting off the tongue  at the third time, the resurrected corpse would come back to life, and it would wipe out that entire place. Thus, with no other option, the layperson hardened himself.  The  layperson placed his mouth close by the corpse and waited. At the third time,  as soon as the tongue was out, the layperson gripped the tongue of the corpse with his teeth. Upon reading this part, I think this layperson really did it with all his might; he cut off the tongue with his precious sword!  As what we just said earlier, if the tongue  was not amputated, the  resurrected corpse would come back to life, it would harm people and destroy the entire area. Therefore, at the third time, as the layperson bit  the tongue, he amputated it. The moment he cut it off, the tongue turned into  a precious sword.  Then, the layperson said, “Well! Please first lend me the sword, because I would like to fly to the sky and take a look at the scenery”. The original deal was that if this practice was achieved, the non-Buddhist would take possession of the precious sword, and the corpse which had been turned into such a huge piece of gold would belong to the layperson. This layperson gave quite some deliberation. He could first rode on the sword and flew to the sky, then he could  get the gold later. So, he took off for the scenery first. Thus,  with the precious sword held in his hand, he arrived instantly at the  peak of Mount Meru, and viewed the scenery.   [05:25]

With the borrowed sword, he flew to the peak of the mountain and viewed the four great continents and eight sub-continents. After viewing one round, the layperson kept his words and returned the sword to the non-Buddhist because the deal was agreed before the practice that the sword belonged to the non-Buddhist. The non-Buddhist kept his words as well. Since that entire corpse had already turned into gold, it was no longer that scary. He sliced off the flesh from the golden corpse  - the flesh should be gold bar!  All was gold. The non-Buddhist advised him that as long as the bone was not exposed while slicing the flesh,  the flesh – it was  this gold bar - would regenerate. However, if the bone was exposed while slicing the flesh, the flesh would not regenerate.   [06:08]

This layperson thus  made use of these gold pieces – the gold that was obtained with much arduousness -  to construct  Odantapuri Monastery.  Moreover, it was built based on the view he had of Mount Meru, the four great continents and the eight sub-continents while he was in the celestial realm. It seemed that the gold was inexhaustible; with the gold, he made offerings to hundreds of renunciates and lay practitioners of this monastery. He was their sponsor for many years. [06:43]

What are your thoughts after listening to this part? This is the dependant-arising factor of Odantapuri Monastery. [06:51]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0286】

讲次 | 0286 (2020-12-24 ~ 2020-12-27)

标题 | 能飞聚落建寺因缘

《广论》段落 | P4-L2 ~ P4-L4 此后乃至三十一岁……正法中枢要处者。

入门段落 | 第1册 P110-L1 ~ P111-L7 接下来语王尊者......作为他们的施主。

备注 | 四家合注《白话校注集》第1册 P120-LL6注释② ~ P121-L4注释④完 能飞聚落......无所不至。

(更新日期: 2022年6月14日)




我们看 110 页仁波切讲的,说接下来语王尊者对于能飞聚落这座寺院的历史就做了很多注解。就开始讲故事:以前有个外道他就修起尸法——刚才我们介绍那个起尸法。起尸法就是让死尸起来行走,就是起尸悉地,这也是密法的八种悉地之一,内道徒也有。如果修成了的话,这具死尸就会变成金子。这位外道要修起尸法,可是要如果没人帮助的话,是没法修成的。所以他就请一位内道的居士来帮忙,就告诉他说:“我在修起尸的时候,如果你能把尸体的舌头砍下来给我,那剩下来的这个尸体全部会变成金子,然后这些金子就全归你了。”我在想这也要很有勇气,万一按不住呢?万一不忍心割下来,或者感到害怕呢?但是那个居士不知道是不是为了这些金子就奋勇前行,还是他俩是朋友,搞不清楚记载。总之,那个居士就答应去帮忙修了。02:48






Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0286

Lecture No. 0287


Lecture No. 0285