Lecture No. 0288

Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0288

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0288

Lamrim Volume 1:  P38L4 – L8

Tape No: NA

Date: 15 Jun 2022

Topic: The Three Higher Trainings are like Precious Jewels

Greetings to all! [I] am very pleased that it is time for us to discuss the Lamrim again. Everyone please properly shape your motivation - to benefit the limitless motherly sentient beings, [we] must aspire to attain the effect stage of Sublime Wisdom of Omniscience, and with such motivation, [we are] here to listen to and study the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. Today we will continue to learn about the good qualities of Master Atisha in page 112 {Chinese text} of the Introduction to the Four Interwoven Annotations. Everyone, please turn to page 112 and read the blue wordings, [it] says: “He gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge integrating the three trainings”, here, [the text] begins to introduce the good qualities of Master Atisha’s experiential knowledge. [00:45]
He gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge integrating the three trainings: how, engaging in proper practice, he gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge: In general, the three precious scriptural collections [Tripitaka] of Sutrapitaka, Vinayapitaka, and Abhidharmapitaka include all of the scriptural teachings of the Conqueror. Thus, the three precious trainings must also include the teachings as they are realized. The three trainings – higher discipline (adhiśīlaśikṣa), higher mind (samādhiśikṣa), and higher wisdom (prajñāśikṣa) – are like precious jewels: they are hard to come by, they are very rare, they are valuable, they are beneficial when you have them, they protect you from harm, and they induce joyfulness. Because of these six attributes, the three precious trainings are like treasured gems. [01:19]
Next, let’s look at Rinpoche’s Introduction, it says that Master Atisha then “gained the good qualities of experiential knowledge”, please contemplate where should the good qualities of the experiential knowledge be integrated into? Rinpoche said all are included and integrated in the three trainings, thus, [it is necessary] to expound on the reason to understand all these [encompassing] good qualities. “In general, the three precious scriptural collections … include all of the scriptural teachings of the Conqueror”, the three precious scriptural collections include all. So, what are the three precious scriptural collections? They are the “Sutrapitaka, Vinayapitaka, and Abhidharmapitaka,” also known as the Tripitaka and they are [what we call] the scriptural teachings. “Thus, the three precious trainings must also include the teachings as they are realized”, meaning the scriptural teachings are encompassed by the Tripitaka, so where should the experiential knowledge be included? [Likewise, they] also need to be encompassed under the three trainings. “The three trainings” are the higher discipline (adhiśīlaśikṣa), the higher mind (samādhiśikṣa), and the higher wisdom (prajñāśikṣa)”. [In his expounding,] Rinpoche [specifically] pointing out that: we need to affix the word “higher” [because if] without so, the non-Buddhists also have their respective ethical discipline training, concentration/mind training and wisdom training. Therefore it is necessary to affix the word “higher” to the three Buddhists’ trainings, namely, we do so for the sake of making a distinction to distinguish between the training of the Buddhists and those of non-Buddhists. [02:41]
So, the next question is: why should the Tripitaka and the three trainings be named as precious? Because they “are like treasured jewels”, hence [they are] termed as precious i.e. [they are] akin to the [priceless] precious gems. So in what context are they precious? And how is the similarity being drawn? [In the Annotations], it lists six attributes subsequently:
1. they are hard to come by,
2. they are very rare,
3. they are valuable,
4. they are beneficial when you have them,
5. they protect you from harm, and
6. they induce joyfulness. [The Annotations] mentions these six attributes of the precious jewels. Since [the Tripitaka and three trainings] share similar attributes to the treasured gems, they are thus named. [03:23]

Evidently, “precious jewels” are extremely hard to come by and they are very rare. For instance, there was a king in the past, offering a giant sapphire, which was huge and rare, to a Buddha stupa in Sri Lanka. There are also some exceptional big diamonds, and the like which were all very rare, so much so that such big jewels were very precious. Thus, “hard to come by,” and “rare” are two attributes used to describe the precious jewels. Then, are the Tripitaka and the three trainings hard to come by? And are they very rare? [In fact, they are] also very hard to come by and very rare as well! [03:59]

Since they are endowed with inconceivable good qualities and benefits, they are as “valuable” as the precious jewels. If we are able to uphold the Tripitaka and the three trainings in our practice, we would be liberated [from the cyclic existence] and achieve the effect stage of Sublime Wisdom of Omniscience, thus they are indeed very “beneficial” to us. Due to being able to protect other sentient beings from all the afflictions-induced sufferings in all of their cyclic existence, hence [Tripitaka and the three trainings] could also protect [sentient beings] from harm. Because [they can help us] to achieve the effect stages of human and deities in [our] consecutive high-status [of fortunate existence] and liberation, as well as the effect stage of Sublime Wisdom of Omniscience in [our] ultimate certain-goodness, hence [Tripitaka and the three trainings] also “induce joyfulness”. Precisely, these Tripitaka and the three trainings can bring consecutive high-status in our lives, and consecutive high status is clearly the fortunate path of humans and deities, [suggesting] there are excellent conditions [for us] to engage in studying and practicing Buddha Dharma; Liberation is to be exempted from cyclic existence; Not to mention, the effect stage of Sublime Wisdom of Omniscience as it is yearned for by all living beings in their dreams. The effect stage of  Sublime Wisdom of Omniscience is [a state] where there is not even a speck of suffering and all happiness is fulfilled. Thus, that is how the Tripitaka and the three trainings can “induce joyfulness”. Because all six attributes [of Tripitaka and the three trainings] align with [the characteristics of] precious jewels, [they] are termed as precious. [05:14]

Having studied this short paragraph, we all can contemplate, we often talk about taking refuge in the Three Jewels, [but] while we are taking refuge in the Three Jewels, would [we] ponder on: why is that Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Tripitaka and the three trainings are all described as precious? Here, [Rinpoche] explained on these few points. For instance, while we are prostrating to Buddha, or reciting in refuge taking, or when we are studying the Dharma teaching or scriptures, if our mind is slightly muddled and apathetic, [we] can reflect on their similarities to these [six attributes/]characteristics of the precious jewels. That will allow our mind to transit from the state of feeling muddled as to what to adopt/practice and what to abandon/forsake to become very clear and lucid, then we would come to understand why we need to take refuge in the Three Jewels, why we need to learn the Tripitaka, and even why we need to study and practice the three trainings of the ethical discipline, concentration and wisdom. [Why?] Because all scriptures and sutras are to point out the path for our mind training, [they are] like the beacon or lamp enlightening us from where we could find happiness, where the light [of hope] is, and where the warmth [of compassion] is. [As such, they are] like treasured gems. It is said that there is a type of jewel that will glow at night, [metaphorically speaking,] in the dark nights of cyclic existence, there are many luminescence, [for instance,] vinaya is one, so is the spirit of enlightenment, not to mention, wisdom of emptiness as it can lift and dispel the [total] darkness [of samsara] in the cyclic existence. [06:37]

Therefore, even though this is a very short passage, if [we] can come to a realization that aligns with the essence of the Tripitaka and three trainings – for us [Buddhists] these are the higher three trainings -  realizing that they are hard to come by, they are very rare, they are valuable, they are beneficial, they can protect us from harm, and they can induce joyfulness, that will undoubtedly benefit us very substantially, both in the present life and in our future lives. This is [just] one of the advantages. [07:04]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0288】

讲次 | 0288 (2020-12-31 ~ 2021-01-03)

标题 | 犹如珍宝的增上三学

《广论》段落 | P4-L5 获得证德事理者……亦须摄入三学宝中。

入门段落 | 第1册 P112-L1 ~ P113-L3 证悟功德摄入三学之理......故称为宝。

(更新日期: 2022年6月15日)


大家好!很高兴又到了研讨《广论》的时间,请大家端正自己的发心——是为了利益无穷无尽的如母有情,必须去希求一切智智的果位,为了这样的动机来听闻《菩提道次第广论》。今天我们继续学习阿底峡尊者的功德,是《四家合注入门》的 112 页。请大家把书翻到 112 页,看上面的蓝字,说:“证悟功德摄入三学之理”,这是开始介绍阿底峡尊者的证功德。00:45
证悟功德摄入三学之理:获得证德事理者:总佛一切教法圣教,经律论三藏宝摄,故证圣教亦须摄入三学宝中。 增上戒定慧三犹如珍宝,难得、稀有、贵重、饶益、救护损害、引生喜乐,以此六法同于珍宝。01:19






Lecture No. 0289


Lecture No. 0287