Lecture No. 0324
Global Lamrim II
Lecture No. 0324
Lamrim Volume 1: P45-LL10 ~ LL5
Date: 31 Mar 2022
Topic: Its Subject Matter is Comprehensive
Greetings to all! Today, it is time for us to study the Lamrim again. [Our discussion] has begun on Chapter 2, pg. 8 “the greatness of the teaching”. [It is on page 45, Volume 1, English version]. Everyone, please take a look at the original text.
Concerning the teaching to be explained, the root text of these instructions is the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment. There are many texts composed by the Elder, but the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is comprehensive and fundamental. [V.1 P.45]
Everyone, please listen to the explanation from Master. [00′33″]
[5A 05:32 ~ 08:21]
Here we will elaborate as well, let’s turn to the page - we are on English Lamrim page 45, the first paragraph. This is actually the second point [from the bottom section of P. 34]:
Concerning the teaching to be explained, the root text of these instructions is the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment. There are many texts composed by the Elder, but the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is comprehensive and fundamental.
In showing the greatness of the teachings, the text evinces what the merits of such teachings have. We all know that the blueprint of this Lamrim text is the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment. Venerable Atisha composed various texts, but the most fundamental and the most comprehensive one is the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment. What does it mean by saying that it is the most fundamental? Why is that it is the most comprehensive? I will explain this part first. Generally, when we talk about science, there are two aspects: one is the sufficient condition and the other is the necessary condition*. The necessary condition, by definition, is the most fundamental or basic, whereas the sufficient condition is the substantial essence, these are the two aspects. We can also say that the former is the qualitative nature; the latter is the quantitative capacity. The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is endowed with both of these aspects. Even though Venerable Atisha composed many texts, only this one is the most comprehensive. Not only did Atisha give different teachings to different disciples in accordance with their individual capacities, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as many distinguished masters would do the same. Yet, what sets the commentary apart from all the others is that the author is able to thoroughly disclose the entirety of his experiential knowledge by demonstrating systemically: what the very first step is, all the way to the ultimate enlightenment. This is the most distinctive quality of a text and the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is attested to be such a text. Therefore, Lama Tsong-kha-pa specifically indicated that besides the excellence of the author, the teachings are sublime as well! Why is that so? An explanation is provided as follows: [02′31″]
[*LR V.1 P.94 translates these two terms as cooperative conditions and substantial causes.]
In this section of Master’s commentary, I would like to ask you all a question: Master mentioned that Master Atisha composed various texts, but why is it mentioned in [his] commentary that the most fundamental and the most comprehensive one is the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment? From what perspective did Master explain the term, “the most fundamental and the most comprehensive”? In the [Lamrim] class of yours, you also discussed it, right? In order to elaborate on this question, Master brought up two aspects when we talk about science in general: sufficient condition and necessary condition; necessary condition is the most fundamental and basic element, while the sufficient condition is the substantial essence - that is to say, quality is the foundation and quantity is the fulfilling capacity, these are the two aspects. Therefore, for the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, as far as we could see, all treatises composed by Bodhisattvas were based on the different root natures and individual capacities of [each of the practitioners]. Hence many different teachings were expounded [in accordance with the individual capacities of the practitioners]. [03′31″]
Master continued: “Yet, what sets the commentary apart from all the others is …”; may [I] ask what makes [the commentary] so distinctive or unique? Here, what makes the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment so different and distinct? Master then said it lies in the fact that the author can: “thoroughly disclose the entirety of his experiential knowledge”, [meaning the author can] clearly and unmistakably demonstrated [how and what] he had achieved in enlightenment, take note of the following, the author achieved it “by demonstrating systemically: what the very first step is, all the way to the ultimate enlightenment. This is the most distinctive quality of a text and the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is attested to be such a text.” Why is that the [Lamrim text] is both fundamental and comprehensive? Have you all noticed [what Master said here]? [In the text, the author] can “thoroughly disclose the entirety of his experiential knowledge.” Pay attention! The systematic order – from the very first step all the way to the ultimate enlightenment – is all covered in its entirety in the composition, and the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment belongs to such [group of] treatise. [04′32″]
So, when an accomplished adept gave many teachings to practitioners of various root natures and capacities, for instance, we could notice that some scriptures may elucidate the Dharma of impermanence [so eloquently impressive] that pique our interest [to learn more], other commentaries may focus on Bodhichitta, and still other treatises may center on this or that Dharma categories. However, [what makes this commentary so distinctive is that] it gives instructions, guiding practitioners from taking the very initial step [on the stages of the path, one step at a time in systematic order,] like threading the beads, giving guidance one stage after another, and the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is such a treatise. Hence, this is why the treatise is so distinctive and unique, also one of the reasons Master Tsong-kha-pa put it: “but the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is comprehensive and fundamental” Then, [it] explains even more next. Now, let’s continue to listen: [05′18″]
Since it teaches by drawing together the key points for both the sutra and mantra vehicles, its subject matter is comprehensive; [V.1 P.45]
First, the text incorporates the essence of both Sutrayana and Tantrayana. Thus, the text is perfectly comprehensive in terms of its subject matters. The text did not specifically mention the Hinayana; however, the Hinayana teachings are covered since Mahayana has to build upon the basis of Hinayana. It is like we often would ask another person, “What is your educational background?” He or she may reply, “Oh, I graduated from so and so graduate school.” There is no need for him or her to mention which kindergarten, which elementary school, which high school he or she graduated from. If you graduated from a graduate school, you must have fulfilled all the prerequisites [of having attended elementary school, high school, or university]. This is very clear, and self-evident. In Mahayana teachings, it is actually divided into two parts, and they are both incorporated in the text. Hence, the text is comprehensive, which indicates that the quality and quantity are fulfilled. In fact, the completeness of quality and quantity also suggest the order is systematic. It is emphasized again here: [06′13″]
“Since it teaches by drawing together the key points for both the sutra and mantra vehicles, its subject matter is comprehensive” meaning the instructions from the first step an ordinary being can take all the way to the final step of attaining the ultimate enlightenment are all included in this [treatise]. Thus, the text says all the subject matters, be it the exoteric teachings or esoteric teachings, Mahayana or Hinayana, are all incorporated in the Lamrim as in it teaches by “drawing together” - the very crucial parts - the key points of both the sutra and mantra vehicles. [This is of great importance.] Therefore, for any practitioners who could not find the direction, or does not know from where to begin their meditation practice, [or] become muddled about how to continue in the middle of their practice, [or] go so far as to become confused in the final phase of the journey, they can all refer to and consult from this treatise. Hence, that is [also the reason] Master gave the example of postdoctoral researchers, if you are a postdoc in one field, that means you have already learned [and are well versed with] the entire subjects in this field. Thus, this treatise guides practitioners by “drawing together the key points for both the sutra and mantra vehicles,” meaning all the subject matters are included, namely the content expounded and the guidance revealed in the treatise are very comprehensive. [07′04″]
【全球广论 II 讲次: 0324】
讲次 | 0324 (2021-05-06 ~ 2021-05-09)
标题 | 所诠圆满
《广论》段落 | P8-L7 ~ P8-L8 显示法殊胜中……所诠圆满。
音档 | 5A 05:32 ~ 08:21
手抄页/行 | 第1册 P134-L8 ~ P136-L1 ( 2016 南普陀版:P134-L7 ~ P135-LL1 )
手抄段落 | 那么再翻过来有一段文……这个地方又特别强调一下:
(更新日期: 2022年3月31日)
大家好!今天我们又到了研讨《广论》的时间,已经开始进入“法殊胜”了,在第 8 页第 2 段。请大家看一下原文。