【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (1) 与我执相违而转 1

【The Origin of Suffering】- Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (1)

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
74B 14’22” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P61 LL2
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What is the group of remedies for the craving for future existence?

Further, in both their objective and subjective aspects, they operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self, the root of cyclic existence.

This is the sentence!  What is the root of the cyclic existence?  "The conception of self," this is it.  Through the conception of self, craving will arise.  The conception of self is afflictions and ignorance, or you can call it delusions.  What is craving?  It is karma.  When you have both afflictions and karma, I am sorry.  This karma will cause you to whirl [in cyclic existence].  But now, even though one has not truly uprooted the afflictions, but one has gained an understanding of it, gained an understanding of it.  Therefore by having this kind of understanding, one will not cling to it anymore.  One will instead attempt to eliminate it on all occasions.  However because one has not directly perceived this, one has not directly perceive this, therefore it is unavoidable to create ordinary karma that will impel rebirths.  However, the subjective aspects are actually contrary from the original ones, are actually contrary.  Therefore,  

Thus, they are not actual or usual true origins that impel rebirth.】   


74B 14’22” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P61 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P305

日常师父法语📡74B 14’22” 手抄稿第10册P61 LL2

希求解脱 : 与我执相违而转 1






【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (2) 与我执相违而转 2


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】this craving for future existence 后有爱