【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (2) 与我执相违而转 2

【The Origin of Suffering】- Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (2)

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
74B 17’32” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P63 LL7
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For instance, say in the past, we incurred a lot of debt. Ah! We owe an unimaginable amount of debt. But now you know the knack for doing business. You understand it now and will not go about it blindly like before. You will make sure that you are clear on everything. Then you will start to make a profit. Even though you are making a profit but you still owe other people money. Ah-ya! You may owe ten billion or eight billion. For now, you are just slowly making a profit. And it is not enough if you make only ten thousand or eight thousand. Even if you make one million or two million, it will still not be enough. Eh! Nevertheless, your debt is gradually reducing. In brief, though you are still in debt, but your debt is gradually reducing. So what this place is telling us is that for the practitioners on the paths of accumulation and preparation, the contents of their cultivation is fundamentally contrary to the subjective aspects of cyclic existence. It is the group of remedies that is the exact opposite. However because of the reason, the reason stated above, it is still included in the origins.


74B 17’32” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P63 LL7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P305

日常师父法语📡74B 17’32”手抄稿第10册P63 LL7

希求解脱 : 与我执相违而转 2

譬如说,我们以前哪,欠了人家很多债,哎!不晓得欠多少债,现在懂得了这个做生意的诀窍,你了解了,不是像以前盲目地乱来,把样样事情弄清楚了,然后你开始赚钱了。虽然赚钱,可是以前欠人家债,哎呀!欠他那个 十亿、八亿,现在你已经慢慢地赚了,赚它个万八万固然不行,一百万、两百万还是不行。欸!但是你的债务在慢慢减轻当中,总归地说起来,你仍旧是欠人家债,但是那个债务渐渐减轻了。那么现在这个地方告诉我们,说我们资粮、加行这两位的行者,由于他所修的内容,正是以前生死行相根本的相违反的,相反的对治品。不过以这个理由,刚才说的这个理由,所以仍旧在集谛当中。


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Wisdom that recognizes selflessness (1) 认识无我慧 1


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (1) 与我执相违而转 1