【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Wisdom that recognizes selflessness (1) 认识无我慧 1

【The Origin of Suffering】- Wisdom that recognizes selflessness (1)

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
74B 20’01” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P64 LL4
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Asanga says that after careful reflection on the faults of cyclic existence, you give rise to a sense of disgust that can motivate virtuous karma which generates a supramundane path; yet this karma approximates an origin of suffering in cyclic existence. Therefore you must strive to develop this sense of disgust, as well as the wisdom that knows selflessness.

This section has particularly told us, for practitioners like us, what should we be doing? At the same time, this has also told us that the true primary reason for engendering a craving for future existence is right here. The main reason has two components. One is our lack of understanding of ignorance and thereby producing this craving for future existence, this craving for future existence. It is because of this that we create all kinds of nonvirtuous karma. Now we understand this, "Ah! Cyclic existence has these great faults. And therefore I am thoroughly disgusted!"


74B 20’01” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P64 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P305

日常师父法语📡74B 20’01” 手抄稿第10册P64 LL4

希求解脱 : 认识无我慧 1


那这一段就特别告诉我们,我们修道的人,应该怎么办?同时这个里边也告诉我们,真正的后有爱的引发的主因在这个地方。主因有两样东西,一个就是我们因为无明不认识 而产生的这个后有爱,后有爱,由于这个而造种种的恶业。现在我们了解了说:啊!这生死这么样地有祸害,所以一心一意地厌离呀!"


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Understand the wisdom of selflessness 2  认识无我慧 2


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 Operate in a manner contrary to the conception of self (2) 与我执相违而转 2