【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】 leading to rebirth in the fourth meditative stabilization of the form realm 集能生第四静虑

【The Origin of Suffering】-  leading to rebirth in the fourth meditative stabilization of the form realm

Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse
75A 15’58” Vol 10 of Lamrim Commentary P80 L9
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Hence, the first, second, third meditative stabilizations are immersed in bliss. That kind of bliss grows deeper and deeper in every level. Thus this “third meditative stabilizations” in the below, this kind is called pleasant feelings.

You might have stopped attachment to sensual pleasure, become weary even of meditative bliss, and created karma to have neutral feelings. If so, you will accumulate invariable karma leading to rebirth in the fourth meditative stabilization of the form realm,】

And then next, the following says. By then, you are able to stop attachment to all kinds of sensual pleasures. You have given up attachment to them. But what are you doing it for? You're still doing it for pleasant feelings. Even though you know there are pleasant feelings for the lower levels, but this sort of pleasure is limited. Therefore as we learn the meditative stabilization of the form realm and attain the first level meditation, we will undoubtedly feel, ah, this first level meditative bliss is not as good as the second level! So you will feel that there are faults to it and will certainly become weary of it. As you become weary of it, the first level meditative bliss will disappear, will disappear. Once it disappears, you will be even more diligent as you practice. Then you will be able to continue to progress. Assuming that if you have not developed this disenchantment, you are unable to give up this bliss, you will not progress. This is a principle that we must understand.


75A 15’58” Vol 10 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P80 L9
English Lamrim Vol 1 P306

日常师父法语📡75A 15’58” 手抄稿第10册P80 L9

希求解脱 : 集能生第四静虑



然后那个下面,下面说,那个时候你能够舍离种种贪着,那个贪着不要了,但是还是为了什么?还是为了乐受。说因为你晓得下面虽然是快乐,但是这个快乐有限的。所以 我们学那个色界定,得到了初禅以后,一定觉得,哎呀,这个初禅比起二禅还不如啊!然后呢你又感到这个还是有它的缺点的,一定要厌患它。由于这个厌患,那个初禅就消失掉了,消失掉了。消失掉了,然后你更精进,那个时候才能够上去。假定说这个你没有生起厌患之心,那种快乐状态,你舍不掉的话,不能升上去的,这个道理我们一定要懂。


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】You stop clinging to all of cyclic existence 普厌弃一切诸有


【The Origin of Suffering 希求解脱】Karma created for pleasant feeling (2) 为乐受而造集的业 2